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Morning Joe: Al Sharpton Attacked for Refusing to Call Trump a Racist (Really)

Morning Joe: Al Sharpton Attacked for Refusing to Call Trump a Racist (Really)

Deutsch: “You can’t say the president is a racist? You can’t say that?”

Q. How do you know that Charlottesville has caused the left to utterly lose its mind?

A. When Al Sharpton—Al Sharpton!—gets attacked by a fellow liberal for refusing to go far enough in his condemnation of President Trump.

Today’s Morning Joe offered the spectacle of Donny Deutsch—a quintessential Upper West Side/Hamptons liberal—attacking Sharpton for refusing to label Trump a “racist.” Deutsch accused Sharpton of “dancing around” the issue by merely saying that Trump “plays to” racism. Deutsch:

“Don’t you need to now come out . . . He’s a racist! Can you say he’s a racist? . . . You can’t say the president is a racist? You can’t say that?”

Sharpton argued that he didn’t want to be Trump’s psychiatrist and put him on a couch, preferring instead to focus on his policies. When Deutsch continued to press his demand, Sharpton eventually had enough:

“Wait a minute, Danny [sic]: I’ve been fighting this all my life.”

Sit back with plenty of popcorn handy, and watch Donny try to out-virtue signal Sharpton.

AL SHARPTON: He has played on divisiveness. He’s played on the part of New York City racial politics that defeated Dave Dinkins.

. . .

DONNY DEUTSCH: Reverend, but you’re even dancing around it. We’ve done this for years, where “he plays to it” versus saying he is. Don’t you need to now come out. Enough is enough. He plays to it. He’s a racist. Can you say he is a racist? Can you say he is a racist?

SHARPTON: No, I’m not. The reason why I think you trivialize is it —

DEUTSCH: I’m not —

SHARPTON: Wait a minute, Danny [sic]. I’ve been fighting this all my life. Don’t tell me. I’ve been fighting this a long time. They want us to make it just—then we’re going to debate on Donald Trump. Is he a racist? He is a proponent of racism. He has been one to sell that. I’m not trying to be his psychiatrist.

DEUTSCH: What’s the difference?

SHARPTON: The difference is I don’t want to put him on a couch and deal with his psychological personal problems.

. . .

DEUTSCH: You can’t say the president is a racist? You can’t say that?

SHARPTON: I think that you minimize —

DEUTSCH: I think you maximize.

SHARPTON: I think you trivialize it, because you make it Donny or Al against Donald.


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“Damn it all, Al, can’t you just say Trump’s a Nazi so we can all go punch him?”

I seriously think that’s where all of this is going: The Left stopped being about policy or fixing problems a long time ago. Now they’re just looking for Nazis to punch — or witches to burn.

And they’re going to keep getting crazier and crazier. They’ll be openly calling for a coup by the time 2020 gets here.

These idiots wonder why things like Charlottesville happens when they are out there inciting racial hatred 24/7 to the point of making sh1t up in their minds (and then selling that as news!).

These clowns are doing nothing more than guaranteeing Trump is in the White House for 8 long cold and bitter years (for them!).

Donald J. Trump was a civil rights pioneer, and Bill Clinton had to be shamed into withdrawing from an all-white golf club.

In 1997, Trump purchased his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida and converted it into a private club. Under existing law, Jews and blacks were not allowed.

Trump asked the town council to lift the existing restrictions on the club, and when they refused, filed a $100 million lawsuit alleging the town was “discriminating against Mar-a-Lago, in part because it is open to Jews and African Americans.”

This probably should be seen in context. In the 1990s Bill Clinton was knowingly golfing at a whites only club, as a member, and was shamed into withdrawing.

Al Sharpton is old enough to know about this.

    Valerie: In 1997, Trump purchased his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida and converted it into a private club. Under existing law, Jews and blacks were not allowed.

    That is false. There was no law in 1997 requiring that a private club exclude Jews and blacks.

      Valerie in reply to Zachriel. | August 14, 2017 at 12:17 pm

      Read the link. Your statement is false.


        Valerie in reply to Valerie. | August 14, 2017 at 12:26 pm

        “…The culture clash began to approach a climax last fall, when Mr. Trump’s lawyer sent members of the town council a copy of the film “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner,” a film that deals with upper-class racism. Mr. Trump then approached the town council about lifting the restrictions that had been placed on the club. He also asked some council members not to vote on the request because their membership in other clubs created a conflict of interest.

        Last December, after the council refused to lift the restrictions, Mr. Trump filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Palm Beach, alleging that the town was discriminating against Mar-a-Lago, in part because it is open to Jews and African-Americans. The suit seeks $100 million in damages.”

        This was likely a city ordinance. Ordinances are laws.

        Thanks for playing.

          Valerie: “Mr. Trump then approached the town council about lifting the restrictions that had been placed on the club.

          Nothing in those restrictions concerned not allowing Jews or blacks.

          Valerie: This was likely a city ordinance. Ordinances are laws.

          There was no such ordinance, nor would a segregation ordinance have been lawful in 1997.

          Valerie, when you argue with a fool, you then have two fools arguing.

          Don’t bother.

    Let’s not forget about bill clinton’s racist remarks about obama: (1) “A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.” (2) “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”

    Granted, obama isn’t good for much more than carrying bags(though michelle would probably be better at it) or getting coffee, but it has nothing to with his being black. It simply has to do with his being good for much other than carrying bags or getting coffee.

Sharpton is a lot of nasty things, but being an idiot is not among them. He knows the left is charging blindly toward the edge of a cliff and Big Al is smart enough to know there’s no money at the bottom.

    HamiltonNJ in reply to Merlin. | August 14, 2017 at 12:31 pm

    Al also knows that his ability to say anything he wanted to about President Trump ended when his buddy Barack left office and his all access pass to the White House expired.
    Al knows that if he pokes the tiger too much he’ll get mauled…

The president places Americans, black, white, brown, whatever, first. He is neither a color supremacist nor a [class] diversitist. Perhaps they meant American race. A body of people closely incorporated through administrative proximity and shared interests, if not always principles.

Sharpton argued that he didn’t want to be Trump’s psychiatrist and put him on a couch, preferring instead to focus on his policies.

Credit where credit is due. This is the right way to navigate politics.

Al Sharpton has started more race riots than Trump.

Al is probably hoping that he can cut a deal over his delinquent taxes.

Sharpton is guilty of massive tax evasion. He doesn’t want to get indicted.