Undercover Video: CNN Producer Stands by Voters are ‘Stupid as Sh*t’ Comments

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas released another undercover video featuring CNN’s New Day associate producer Jimmy Carr, who doubles down on his comments from a previous video from Project Veritas and criticizes New Day host Chris Cuomo.

“I mean granted, anything I’ve said to you I would defend on the record,” he told the Project Veritas investigator. “I don’t think I said anything wrong.”

Carr was captured in previous videos calling President Trump a clown, calling American voters stupid as shit, and saying Kellyanne Conway looks like she got hit by a shovel.

New Video

The video starts with Carr speaking to the undercover investigator expressing worry about the previous videos that CNN producer John Bonifield admitting that there’s nothing much to CNN’s Trump-Russia narrative and contributor Van Jones saying that the whole subject is a nothing burger.

Last Carr Video

These are the previous comments he said about Trump:

American voters:

Kellyanne Conway:

Anchor Chris Cuomo

The conversation went to New Day anchor Chris Cuomo. Carr admitted he and his colleagues are not too fond of Cuomo, but as he tells the investigator that he doesn’t have the “gravitas” to get CNN to change anchors. He also mentioned that he doesn’t “have a brother who’s the governor.” Cuomo is the brother of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

New Day Anchor Alisyn Camerota

In the same video, O’Keefe mentioned a segment from New Day when Camerota interviewed six Trump voters 60 days into his administration. Someone leaked the entire 90 minute interview, which CNN edited to 8 minutes.

O’Keefe concentrated on William Baer, who discussed Trump’s claims of voter fraud. The way that CNN edited the interview it made it sound like Baer was a conspiracy theorist who actually never witnessed voter fraud in person. The full audio has Baer giving the numerous instances he did witness.

Well, Camerota was not pleased and emailed the panelist she thought leaked the audio. O’Keefe did not identify the leaker and blacked out the email address of Camerota’s recipient.

Tags: Chris Cuomo, CNN, James O'Keefe, Project Veritas, Trump Derangement Syndrome