Malaysian MP Claims Denying a Husband Sex is Abuse

Malaysian Member of Parliament Che Mohomad Zulkifly Jusoh claimed that a wife abuses her husband if she denies him sex. From the BBC:

Che Mohamad Zulkifly Jusoh from the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition was addressing a domestic violence debate during a parliamentary session.Malaysia is in talks to amend existing laws against domestic violence.The 58-year-old politician from Terengganu state said men “suffered emotional rather than physical abuse”.”Even though men are said to be physically stronger than women, there are cases where wives hurt or abuse their husbands in an extreme manner,” he said.”Usually, it involves wives cursing their husbands: this is emotional abuse. They insult their husbands and refuse his sexual needs. All these are types of psychological and emotional abuse.”Mr Che made the comments during a parliamentary debate on amendments to domestic violence legislation.Politicians and activist groups have expressed hopes that the new bill will offer more protection for victims of domestic abuse.It also remains legal in Malaysia, a Muslim-majority country, for Muslim men to have as many as four wives as long as they obtain permission from a Sharia court.Mr Che touched on this in a speech to parliament, saying that denying a Muslim man the chance to marry a second wife also amounted to “abuse”.

Tags: Malaysia