Joy Reid asks AND ANSWERS own question to guest about Trump Jr. meeting

Nance-Reid-Fleitz AMJoy 7-15-17

Joy Reid has done it again, shutting down on her MSNBC show this morning yet another conservative guest who tried to get in a word edgewise. This time it was former CIA analyst Fred Fleitz in the unenviable position of trying to make the case that the meeting between Trump campaign aides and Russians wasn’t the horror the left is making it out to be.

Reid first asked him for his comments, but before he could get started, proceeded to cut him off, launching into her own monologue. When Fleitz asked if he could respond, Reid replied “No. No you cannot, until I’m finished answering the question.” Rightly retorted Fleitz: “you asked me a question and now you’re responding for me.”

As Reid continued to stonewall him, Fleitz observed: “this is a rigged interview.”

The most revealing moment came when Fleitz told Reid “you do not want the other side of the story to get out.”

Reid gave away her game: “what other side of the story could there be?”

Got that? The only narrative is the liberal narrative. Anything else will be suppressed.

FRED FLEITZ: Well look, Mr. Pirate here was not shared the details of a Russian operation to affect the election.JOY REID: But no one is alleging he was –FLEITZ: Yes, yes, you mentioned the New York Times article, you mentioned the New York Times article that cited this –REID: He was the conduit for the meeting. Nobody said he is some sort of Russian spy.FLEITZ: But wait a minute — how about –REID: He is the conduit for the meeting.FLEITZ: How about this email –REID: Your holding the silly picture of him in a pirate outfit doesn’t stop the fact that you had the son of the President of the United States sees in an email –FLEITZ: — you don’t want to.REID: Wait a second. Sees in an email that the Russian government would like to provide information. That’s an adorable picture. It doesn’t change the fact –FLEITZ: Thank you, thank you.REID: That they, that Paul manafort, who was the chairman of the campaign, a very seasoned political player, that the son of the President of the united States and his brotherin-law –FLEITZ: Okay, can I respond? Can I respond?REID: No. No, you cannot until I’m finished answering the question.FLEITZ: Now, you asked me a question and now you’re responding for me.REID: Took a meeting, took a meeting in which they were told –FLEITZ: It seems like this is a rigged interview. Let me answer the question.REID: — the Russian government wanted to provide the information.FLEITZ: I want to answer the question. Let me answer the question.REID: So the point is not Rob Goldstone.FLEITZ: Let me answer the question. You’re not letting me answer the question.REID: The point is the meeting they took, right?FLEITZ: You do not want the other side of the story get out. The Russian government –REID: What other side could there be?

Tags: Donald Trump Jr., Joy Reid, MSNBC, Paul Manafort, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump Russia