All hail Israeli chef who stymied Palestinian stabbing attack with wood pizza tray

When Palestinian terror strikes, Israelis have learned the hard way that you use whatever you have on hand to fight back.

You may recall the case of the bus passenger who used his personal nunchucks to stop a terrorist who stabbed a soldier and stole his gun, All hail the Israeli Nunchucks Hero who subdued terrorist. Israelis also have used a guitar, an umbrella and a selfie stick.

Now we have a wood pizza tray used to halt an attack by a Palestinian on an Israeli Arab he mistook for a Jew. The Times of Israel reports:

Shlomi Madar added the heavy wooden saucer to the growing list of obscure objects used to subdue (or just slow down) terrorists over the past two years, when he went after a stabber outside his pizzeria in Petah Tikva, outside Tel Aviv, late Monday morning.“I heard screams coming from the shwarma shop two stores down and I immediately understood what was happening,” Madar, 24, told The Times of Israel Monday, hours after the incident.Just feet away, a 21-year-old Palestinian from Qalqilya stabbed an Arab bus driver whom he apparently mistook for a Jew. Israel Police spokeswoman Luba Samri classified the crime as nationalist — code for a terror attack.

Here is reported video of the attack:

Here is reported video of the capture of the terrorist:

UPDATE 7-30-2017: Via Israellycool, the security video of the incident. It shows the pizza shop owner hitting the terrorist:

Tags: Palestinian Terror