Sen. Dianne Feinstein: Maybe it’s time to see if Lynch colluded with Hillary

This weekend, I recounted the astonishing immaturity of California’s junior U.S. Senator Kamala Harris during several hearings in which she participated.

However, our state’s senior U.S. Senator, Dianne Feinstein, may be attempting to salvage some of California’s former reputation of producing serious politicians. Feinstein recently stated that perhaps the time has come to look into Comey’s testimony that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch asked him to minimize the nature of his investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday, Comey said Lynch had asked him to refer to the probe as a “matter” rather than an investigation, an exchange that he said made him feel queasy.Asked whether Lynch was providing cover for Clinton, Feinstein said she couldn’t answer.“I would have a queasy feeling too, though, to be candid with you,” she said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “I think we need to know more about that, and there’s only one way to know about it, and that’s to have the Judiciary Committee take a look at that.”

There are a lot of adjectives one could use to describe Feinstein’s statements. Given the fact that California’s Democratic politicians have practically declared war on the President of the United States, I would use the term “miraculous”.

President Trump’s Counselor Kellyanne Conway had a slightly different take:

Kellyanne Conway said Monday that Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s call for an investigation into former Attorney General Loretta Lynch is “refreshing.””What Sen. Dianne Feinstein did as a Democrat is refreshing because the Democrats, now they basically say the word ‘Russia’ more than they say the word ‘America,'” Conway, counselor to President Trump, said in an interview on Fox News.

The Washington Examiner’s Emily Jashinsky indicated that Feinstein seemed to be the right person to ask for the review into Lynchi’s behavior.

Feinstein, a liberal stalwart on Capitol Hill, lends credibility to calls for Lynch to face questions about her conduct.Laughably, “a person close to” Lynch told the New York Times that “use of the bland term [matter] was intended to neither confirm nor deny that the investigation existed.”Sure.If Comey’s account is accurate, Lynch used her weight at the helm of the Department of Justice to ask the FBI director to mislead the public about a serious investigation into a major party’s nominee for president. Further, as Comey noted, Lynch’s request closely mirrored the campaign’s efforts to downplay the investigation. And, on top of all that, she also held a private meeting on the tarmac of the Phoenix airport with former President Bill Clinton last summer, amid her own department’s investigation into his wife.

Of course, Russia could be behind this move!

Tags: California, FBI, Kamala Harris