Scarborough Releases Dystopian Rock Video of America in The Age of Trump

For months, we’ve been chronicling Joe Scarborough’s increasingly anti-Trump statements, as the Morning Joe host Scarborough called the president a “schmuck” and a “jackass,” and repeatedly questioned the president’s mental health, as here and here.

Scarborough now appears to have hit rock-bottom [excuse the pun], with his release of a music video portraying Joe with co-host and fiancée Mika Brzezinski observing a nightmarish anti-Trump mash-up.

As the Daily Mail puts it, “Scarborough shows images of a world in decline from war, drug use, guns and racism, with video clips of President Trump scattered throughout.” A nuclear mushroom cloud even puts in an appearance. At the video’s end, Putin murders a blonde.

The video’s dystopian scenes are set to the title track of Joe’s new extended play album, “Mystified.”

Here’s the “Mystified” video. (If it doesn’t load, it’s available on Scarborough’s Facebook page)

Note: the Daily Mail article also displays a clip of Scarborough bringing Mika up on stage at a recent performance.

Note segundo: As mentioned, the title of Scarborough’s album is “Mystified.” We’ll admit to being a bit mystified ourselves.  Joe used to be a Republican Member of Congress, representing a conservative, Florida Panhandle district. In his current persona, Scarborough puts Rachel Maddow to shame when it comes to unhinged Trump hatred. What happened?

Tags: Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, Morning Joe, Trump Derangement Syndrome