Kamala Harris silenced for interruptions during Senate Intel hearing
#ShePersisted . . . in being worse than predecessor Barbara Boxer.
I warned Legal Insurrection readers that irksome Kamala Harris would prove to be worse than the progressive pixie she replaced in the U.S. Senate, Barbara Boxer.
She has, however, vastly exceeded my abysmally low projections in the short amount of time she has been in the nation’s capital.
Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) brutally suspended Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) from speaking during the Senate Intel hearing when she refused to let assistant attorney general Rod Rosenstein answer any questions.
Rosenstein was trying to explain why special counsel Robert Mueller cannot be fired by the president when Harris cut him off.
….Burr wasn’t interested in allowing Harris to continue to interrupt the witnesses and cut off her speaking time so Rosenstein could finish his response.
“The senator will suspend. The chair is going to exercise his right to allow the witness to answer the question,” Burr said to eye rolls from Harris. “The committee is on notice to provide the witnesses the courtesy, which has not been extended all the way across, extend the courtesy for questions to get answered.”
Afterward, a senate colleague chimed in with #ShePersisted support:
Silencing @SenKamalaHarris for not being “courteous” enough is just unbelievable. Keep fighting, Kamala! #NeverthelessShePersisted https://t.co/58y15qWVzU
— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) June 7, 2017
Legal Insurrection readers may recall some of Harris’ past antics, both as the junior Senator and as the California Attorney General.
- CA Sen. Kamala Harris: No on Gorsuch, because he rules on law & not feelings
- Sen. Kamala Harris dropped the “f-bomb” while discussing the GOP’s ObamaCare repeal.
- She was one of the 17 Attorneys General United for Clean Power that focused on prosecuting Big Oil for alleged misuse of climate data it gathered.
- After receiving thousands of dollars from Planned Parenthood, Harris is tied to the controversy surrounding Center for Medical Progress (CMP), which was hit with 15 felony charges after they filmed video exposing Planned Parenthood’s baby part selling.
The profanity, non-sequitors, and political punishments are likely to continue for the next six years. In fact, many Legal Insurrection fans were watching or listening to the Comey hearing and may have witnessed this embarrassing line of questioning from Harris.
It also created an opportunity for ambitious politicians, and Sen. Kamala Harris of California eagerly stepped into the spotlight. Shedding the image she had as California attorney general for being overly cautious, Harris introduced herself to a worldwide audience as a former prosecutor and immediately seemed to compare Trump’s conduct to an armed felon.
“In my experience of prosecuting cases, when a robber held a gun to somebody’s head and said, ‘I hope you will give me your wallet,’ the word ‘hope’ was not the most operative word at that moment,” said Harris…
Assessing this spectacular list of accomplishments, what is the next, logical step in Harris’ career? Could it be President?
Despite swirling speculation, California’s U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris said she’s not giving “any consideration” to running for president in 2020.
Harris was appearing at the annual Code Conference hosted by the tech news site Recode in Rancho Palos Verdes on Wednesday night when site co-founder Kara Swisher asked if she had eyes on the White House.
“I’m not giving that any consideration. I’ve got to stay focused,” said Harris, a Democrat who was elected to the Senate in November after serving as California’s attorney general.
Considering the emptiness of the Democratic Party’s current presidential bench, there is little wonder why some are already pinning their hopes on Harris. However, let’s hope her unusually rational statements about not running are true.
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She acted like a bleeding amateur as CA attorney general, too.
How misogynous of you!
What else should we expect from leftist affirmative action programs? We got obama, hillary clinton, loretta lynch, sotomayor – and a zillons others. And now we have this shrieking idiot, Shrieking Harris.
Notice how those lifted to positions they are not nearly qualified to fill are the loudest, most arrogant and most ignorant of types once they get placed there.
Harris failed the bar exam, same as Wyden, and same as – guess who? – hillary clinton. The obamas probably didn’t even have a score (their passing the bar was probably a fix). Word is ny’s lunatic governor cuomo paid $5,000 have someone take the bar for him, as have many other eastern liberals prior to crackdown in security.
Sadly, the California Bar is changing from a 3 day exam to a 2 day exam, in answer the grossly high failure rate since CA law schools have been greasing the skids for otherwise unqualified law school candidates to gain admission, as well as greasing the skids for these people to make it out. (Example: giving them an UNPROCTORED 3 and a half hours to finish an exam other students must take in a proctored setting, in three hours. Thus, the high bar failure rate, when the real world kicks in.
So now the California Bar, once the hardest bar exam in the nation, properly vetting the state’s lawyers is big a joke as great as obama being president or sotomayer sitting on the Supreme Court.
Imagine the generation of arrogant and ignorant judges California will now produce to work the state’s courts?
How rude of those nasty men to expect you to act like a civilized human being.
You go girl!
Try and remember when watching any video of Harris rolling her eyes and popping off with “F-this” and “F-that” that this woman is a 52-year-old former state Attorney General.
SJW in the House.
Leslie, you just need to learn to lower your expectations. I have and I’m much happier.
The DNC had a “fund raising” pissy-fit about this “silencing”
Gillibrand blasts Donald Trump with f-bombs in speech
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand swore like a sailor while blasting President Trump during a speech at New York University on Friday.
“Has he kept any of these promises? No. F–k No…If we are not helping people, we should go the f–k home,” she told a crowd at the Personal Democracy Forum, according to CNN.
It’s not the first time Gillibrand has used colorful language in public.
While discussing paid family leave legislation, she told New York Magazine in April that “if we’re not helping people, we should go the f–k home.”
They’re just looking for attention – and the fact they cannot otherwise express themselves.
Some psychos, huh?
Kamala [I’ll-b-the-one-breakin’-the-glass-ceiling] Harris is filling in the sketch book outlining her 2024 game plan. All of this grandstanding is for that singular purpose.
Hopefully we’ve learned our lesson about electing affirmative action babies for POTUS.
Foul personal behavior > headlines > name recognition.
In show biz (and any political system which hinges on the votes of the demos is, at heart, show business) publicity is vital. Good publicity is best, but bad publicity will do, and it’s so much easier.
An arrogant SJW bully. The perfect Democrat office holder.
Black… female… Democratic… liberal… progressive privilege?
Pro-Choice is a many selective quasi-religious/moral/legal philosophy from the twilight fringe.
Warren-Harris 2020: Even more pitiful than Killary-Timmy Boy.
I think I read somewhere that she flunked the California Bar exam the first time out.
Well, that puts her in the same league as Ron Wyden of Oregon, who failed the Oregon Bar exam three times, finally settling for Iowa, where he passed.
Yes, a strong Democratic bench.
How much stupider is it going to get?
How much stupider is it going to get?
PLEASE do not ask that question, as the left will go to great lengths to provide you an answer.
Kamala is definitely being groomed by the democrat party machine (read Willie Brown) to be anointed into a higher political office, the voters be damned. The first words mentioned in the SF Bay Area newspapers concerning her being told to sit down an shut up were of course Misogynist and racist. How dare we plebes think she has to be held to Senate rules on decorum and courtesy. Her singular focus on AGW, if it exist at all, is wearing thin.
Shrieking Harris: sit down next to Shrieking Fauxcahontas, and shut up.
California leftists are also setting the state for California to succeed, indoctrinating useful idiots of an allegiance to the “California Republic.” Their paraphernalia is everywhere:
In addition to disagreeing with her politics, I’ve always had a visceral distrust and dislike for Harris. Gut feelings aren’t always right, just usually.
Missed an ‘of’ – you know where it goes.