Anti-Political Correctness Protesters Go to Evergreen State College, Leftists Respond Predictably
Pro-Trump prayer groups expresses support for embattled Prof. Bret Weinstein’s freedom of speech.
People have heard about what’s happening at Evergreen State and the unfair treatment of Professor Bret Weinstein at the hands of far-left students.
The campus at Evergreen was closed again Thursday afternoon because a pro-Trump group went there to protest in defense of Weinstein. Naturally, left wing groups mobilized to stage counter protests.
Everything went as smoothly as you can imagine.
The Seattle Times has the back story:
Evergreen State College suspends campus activities again — this time ahead of pro-Trump group’s protest
The conservative, pro-Trump Patriot Prayer group, enraged by what it portrays as political correctness run wild at The Evergreen State College, is planning a protest for Thursday afternoon.
At least two groups, including Puget Sound Anarchists, have announced counter-protests, labeling Patriot Prayer a group aligned with fascists and white supremacists.
Given “potential disruption,” the college is suspending operations at 3 p.m., and limiting access to the campus shortly after that, according to a notice on Evergreen’s website. The interruption will not affect classes, which ended last week, but will mean the library, bookstore and administrative offices will close, college spokesman Zach Powers said…
“It’s time that we go in there,” said Patriot Prayer organizer Joey Gibson in a video promoting Thursday’s protest, dubbed “Free Speech Evergreen State College” and scheduled to run from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
“I am so angry right now,” he said, his voice rising to a fever pitch. “I am so upset at the culture that you guys have there. It is a culture of hatred. You have no right to kick someone out because of the color of their skin. That is called racism.”
But opponents said it is Gibson’s group that is racist.
Here are some photos from the scene:
Antifa at Evergreen State College anticipating Bret Weinstein defenders
— Anemona Hartocollis (@anemonanyc) June 15, 2017
Things get rough Evergreen State protest. But just for a minute
— Anemona Hartocollis (@anemonanyc) June 16, 2017
Patriot Prayer supporter wrestles man with a knife at Evergreen State College. They handed him over to state troopers
— Kevin McCarty (@KevinKIRO7) June 16, 2017
Joey Gibson, Patriot Prayer leader pepper sprayed by ‘anti-fascists’ @ Evergreen State
— Anemona Hartocollis (@anemonanyc) June 16, 2017
This just in: Washington State Patrol says one male arrested at Evergreen State College during protest on campus
— #Q13FOX (@Q13FOX) June 16, 2017
In the parking lot at Evergreen State College, protest organizer Joey Gibson got his tires slashed. #Olympia #EvergreenState
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 16, 2017
And video:
I guess this means business. Phalanx of state troopers arrive at #Evergreen State College to keep peace at upcoming “free speech” rally.
— Tom Banse (@TomBanse) June 15, 2017
#Antifa begins spraying free speech group in faces when they meet; police moves in to separate the two groups. #olympia #Evergreen
— Andy C. Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) June 16, 2017
Antifa gets in formation to confront free speech group #olympia #Evergreen
— Andy C. Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) June 16, 2017
Gibson said someone from the black-clad protesters hit him in the face with a can & then pepper sprayed him at #Olympia‘s Evergreen College.
— Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) June 16, 2017
Is this ever going to end? What’s it going to take?
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Violent leftist thugs cover their faces. Call us fascist.
It’s just like Camille Paglia just wrote about a few days ago. The left has become the very face of American Stalinism. They can’t persuade by appealing to logic and common sense while engaging in debate so they resort to violence.
Remember, there is still an MSM blackout on these events.
I tried to look up the state laws and found out there is a bill in the Senate
Prohibiting the use of a mask, hood, or device under certain conditions.
It doesn’t seem to be moving very fast. Well, that was disappointing, but not surprising.
Is this ever going to end? What’s it going to take? Large amount of casualties on the Left.
What’s it going to take?
Well, we could try a few reasonable things before the leftoid program drives everything all to hell. The machinery to do so is already in place. A halfway serious response from the police might be worth a try.
Right now they “separate” hostile groups. Which is fairly useless; maybe OK for a short-term effort to “keep the peace”, but the miscreants succeed in disrupting peaceful and legal meetings, then simply move elsewhere and do it again.
Enough of that. The Brownshirts are committing crimes. Let’s see some actual law enforcement. No new laws or budget submissions are needed, just a slight change of attitude.
Typical crappy piece from Seattle Times: “At least two groups, including Puget Sound Anarchists, have announced counter-protests”
They are not protesters, they’re rioters, and assemble solely for that purpose.
“Evergreen State College suspends campus activities again — this time ahead of pro-Trump group’s protest”
The headline to the story, subtly implying that the ‘pro-Trump’ group was the impetus for the campus shutdown and not the Soros rioters.
They are PROFESSIONAL rioters.
Phil, more correct than many people would recognize: the ANTIFA thugs are being paid. This is their day job. If only some brave news outlet would figure out who the paymaster is, and publicize that.
We already know about Soros and Obama-related groups including the DOJ slush fund. Shouldn’t be too difficult to look this up.
They are “PAID” RIOTERS – Rent-a-Riot-Mob.
Remember Hillary the V says “Resist Pants!”
V for Virgin! LOL
Peaceful resistance is the answer to these thugs. MLK proved that. Keep the moral high ground.
Sorry to go Godwin on you, but you may find us passively resisting them all the way into the gas chambers. I don’t agree with that strategy.
Peaceful resistance only works if the opposition has some moral character. Peaceful resistance to bullies, thugs, and sociopaths is what they want. They consider it weakness and surrender. Bullies only understand force. Try peaceful resistance in a street fight and see how that works out.
I disagree. Cops in the south used ax handles, fire hoses, and police dogs against peaceful protestors. The rest of the country was horrified and ashamed. Then came the Civil Rights Act. People need to stand up for free speech and let the anti-speech police show their true colors.
You missed the point. That worked because the citizens that the cops were representing had moral character. Give me one example where a Gandhi or MLK faced up to Stalinists successfully. Stalinists just mow you down. Ever notice that Quakers are never found in totalitarian countries? Coincidence?
I have faith there is a large “silent majority” who will look on these masked thugs with nothing but contempt as long as they are exposed. The occupy movement failed because they 1) had no coherent message; and, 2) Occupied and trashed public parks where regular people liked to go to have lunch.
@Humphrey’s Executor
The occupy movement didn’t fail. They served their purpose, viz. helping to make sure Obama beat Romney. If Clinton would have been elected, BLM would have faded just as fast.
@Humphrey’s Executor: I have faith there is a large “silent majority” who will look on these masked thugs with nothing but contempt as long as they are exposed.
There may be such a silent majority. I also believe that “as long as they are exposed” that majority will be appalled.
But I also know that the media is sparing no effort in suppressing accurate coverage of these events, so “as long as they are exposed” could be “never”.
The occupy movement failed because they … 2) Occupied and trashed public parks where regular people liked to go to have lunch.
And that trashing was just too big for the media to hide; you could see the damage from any camera angle. They couldn’t cover the “protest” without also displaying the damage. They still downplayed the devastation to businesses the Occupy rioters caused, but they couldn’t hide the damage to the park grounds, especially from the people who live and work near there…
… which also includes, oh, half the East Coast media offices.
With you 150%
Cops in the south used ax handles, fire hoses, and police dogs against peaceful protestors. The rest of the country was horrified and ashamed.
Two problems:
1. Ax handles, fire hoses, and police dogs are generally non-lethal. The “Antifa” is throwing bricks and pulling knives. There’s a subtle difference.
2. The rest of the country was watching during the civil rights marches — every media outlet in the nation was broadcasting them — so they had reason to be horrified and appalled. Contrast that to today, where (as pointed out above), there is a media blackout on these events, which we can expect to continue until and unless it’s the right-leaning pro-freedom groups initiating the violence.
It’s hard to be outraged at the Left’s tactics when they’re being whitewashed or ignored.
People need to stand up for free speech and let the anti-speech police show their true colors.
They are, and they are. And the events are being ignored by the media, and that’s not likely to change anytime soon (see above). I hate to say it, but it will likely take actual casualties to make the media pay attention, and even then they’ll spin it to make the pro-freedom groups the bad guys.
Case in point: @TomBanse tweeted, “I guess this means business. Phalanx of state troopers arrives at #Evergreen State College to keep peace at upcoming ‘Free Speech’ rally.” There’s no mention of “Antifa” or any counter-protester presence. That makes it sound like they expect the Patriot Prayer group marching in favor of free speech is going to be a problem, doesn’t it?
Go ask any street cop today about the endless stream or women who think they can use “peaceful resistance” on the boyfriends and husbands who beat them up, and who tell themselves “well if I just bail him out of jail one more time, he’ll finally appreciate what a good person I am and start being nice to me.”
You know what “Peaceful Resistance” gets someone when that’s going on? Ask anyone who works in the system – a lifetime of beatings, that’s what it gets them.
If Japan had taken over India in WWII, Ghandi would have been a headless corpse floating down a river.
One has to have a civilized culture to deal with its mistakes…. The Left considers itself beyond mistakes and self-circumspection. If a far far Leftist criticizes the “party line” he or she is ostracized and branded as Rightist…
I think some of the more mature Evergreen supporters are starting to realize that their University is committing suicide. Politics doesn’t matter, nobody is going to want to send their kids to someplace that has turned into a place which now, instead of classes, just has fistfights in the parking lots every day. It’s turned into a crazy, dysfunctional nightmare, and if the administrators don’t figure out a way to stop it, then they are going to be the last set of administrators this “school” ever has.
Someone on the web (can’t remember who) recently noted the course work offered by Evergreen as part of the ‘core’ curriculum. It’s exactly what you’d expect from the social justice wanker types at a lost university. Even the science courses were SJW slathered — the core physics course was about climate change, an algebra course was all about patriarchy, and so on.
So good luck getting a serious education; Evergreen is all about indoctrination, nothing more.
Plus they don’t do grades at Evergreen, they do full page written evaluations. That means that there is no objective performance standard. The snowflakes feel good because the faculty write (or are forced to write) nothing but good things about the darlings. That grading scheme also protects the upper-middle-class snowflakes — it’s the modern equivalent of the “gentleman’s C”. I wonder how these kids do on the standardized exams like the GRE, the LSAT, etc. That has to be grisly.
So even without the violence and anarchy Evergreen is a place that no serious student would attend.
No worries, they don’t need to actually perform on grad and professional school entrance exams. They’ll just go into government jobs.
Anyway, I’d really love to see their acceptance rates for law and med school. Assuming, of course, that any of them actually applied.
Imagine doling out medical care solely on SJW foundation? Oh wait… try North Korea on for size.
I feel sorry for the kids. (Well, a little less, due to their observed behavior) They are going to leave Evergreen with a degree that will be kryptonite to any job application they submit.
At some point these “antifa” thugs are going to pepper spray someone and/or hit them with something and the victim is rightly going to pull a gun and defend themselves.
And when the antifa thugs start dying I’m just going to laugh and cheer. They deserve it.
What they are doing is Terrorism. They should be treated accordingly. Anything else is just pussyfooting around.
What is that famous saying?
Oh Yeah!
“You reap and get back what you’ve sown as a harvest.”
The fascist left thrives on other people’s $$$. It’s what parasites do.
However, it will not end because the gutless politicians in Olympia will not defund the tax subsidies from this diversiversity indoctrination camp formerly known as a state college.
It is, in effect, a violent ‘no go zone’ enforced by the fascist left and subsidized by the tax payers.
Nothing will change until the $$$ is cut off – or someone is murdered.
^This. Defund. If George Soros, Tom Steyer, Bill Gates, Fred Eychaner, etc. want to step up to keep the indoctrination machine running, well, that’s up to them.
Weinstein may be an okay dude sometimes, but it sickens me to see the Right fight for this Leftist professor when they (he Right) won’t stand up and fight for a Righty on college campuses or elsewhere.
And Weinstein…seeking shelter from the Right. What a gutless hypocrite.
Cut him a little slack. From his perspective, his politics were fine until very recently. Now he’s discovering that living under the yoke of leftism isn’t the peaceful land of puppies and unicorns. He’s learned that the progressives will turn upon him and make his life hell if he doesn’t salute and obey. He’s realizing that they’re not nice people and nice people make for harsh masters.
That’s step one. His next step is to rethink all the SJW crap that he’s been teaching at that joke of a college. That comes later. Right now, he just has to survive with his career intact.
I disagree. Weinstein may be a Prog, but from everything I know about him, and have heard from him, he’s a reasonable and principled scientist who defends his beliefs with arguments, not violence or intimidation like so many lefties today. It’s also not his fault that conservatives don’t rally around their own when needed. I believe in defending free speech for ALL.
VERY SIMPLE to stop this !!!
IF you show up in public MASKED you arrested ON THE SPOT !
NO VIOLENCE if they are arrested before it gets to violence !!
[National] Democratic Socialists.
“The campus at Evergreen was closed again Thursday afternoon because a pro-Trump group went there to protest in defense of Weinstein. Naturally, left wing groups mobilized to stage counter protests.”
Let me fix that.
“The campus at Evergreen was closed again Thursday afternoon because a pro-Trump group went there to protest in defense of Weinstein. Naturally, Sturmabteilung mobilized to stage counter protests.