Georgia: Jon Ossoff Proposes to Long-time Girlfriend (#GA06)
Nothing says “will you marry me” like an upcoming runoff election?
Color me skeptical, but I find it interesting that Jon Ossoff has become engaged to his long-time girlfriend . . . just as the Georgia special election runoff looms in the particularly conservative 6th district.
The Washington Examiner reports:
Jon Ossoff, the Democratic candidate running to replace Health and Human Service Secretary Tom Price in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District, is now engaged.
Ossoff asked his longtime girlfriend Alisha Kramer on Friday night, according to local reports Saturday.
His relationship status came up, somewhat awkwardly, during an interview on CNN last month after he admitted that he does not live in the district he is running for but grew up in it and lives in a neighboring district to support Kramer, who is a medical student at Emory University. At the time he would not provide an answer on when he planned to propose.
The Georgia runoff election will take place on June 20.
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As Charles Murray has amply documented, marriage only has currency in Belmont, not Fishtown. “Women in Fishtown [White America] now routinely have children outside of marriage.”
So who is Ossoff trying to impress?
Liberals have a very peculiar way of (not)showing respect towards women.
I don’t have any daughters, but I’d like to think that if I did, they would be smart enough and have enough self-esteem to right away dump the arsehole that uses them as a prop.
I thought he was gay.
So did his boyfriends!
Just funning.
But seriously, what a LAME PR STUNT!
I was immediately skeptical when I first read that Ossoff “lives in a neighboring district to support Kramer”. Democrats always make sure everybody knows they “support women”, but talk is cheap. Has anyone ever witnessed Ossoff mowing the lawn and taking out the garbage?