Elizabeth Warren Plays Government Outsider on Student Debt in Speech at UMass

Elizabeth Warren single payer

Elizabeth Warren gave a commencement speech at UMass this weekend and spoke of student debt and government as if she was a government outsider.

CNN reported:

Elizabeth Warren tells grads with loads of debt: Agitate!Senator Elizabeth Warren has a message to new graduates dealing with student debt: Stand up for yourself with the politicians.During a commencement speech at the University of Massachusetts Friday, Warren told students that decisions made by state and federal lawmakers “heavily influenced” the amount of student loans they’ll have to pay.”As a practical matter, how much you owe and who has access [to education], is set, in part, by a handful of people who, in a democracy, are supposed to answer directly to you,” Warren said.So, she implored students to get involved.”I am not here to make a pitch just to Democrats or to Republicans …. Libertarians, vegetarians, Big Mac-atarians,” Warren said. “Your elected officials are increasingly working only for a few — the very wealthy few — and if that doesn’t change soon, then this country will fundamentally change.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Elizabeth Warren