What you may have missed during the People’s Climate March

Last weekend, I covered the #MarchForScience, an organized series of nationwide demonstrations supposedly in support of funding all science by the American government…but more an excuse for railing against the policies of President Donald Trump.

This weekend, there was the “People’s Climate March”, supposedly in support of funding climate science by the American government…but more an excuse for railing against the policies of President Donald Trump.

What is the main difference between the 2 events? According to the organizers of the “Peoples Climate March”, this second event has more justice.

Both marches are important, and have their own focus — the March for Science is focused on the funding and accessibility of science, while the Peoples Climate March is focused on standing up for social, economic, and climate justice.

A review of the signs from these events, as provided by the People’s Climate March website, shows that the theme of the events was less about the real climate than the political one:

Anti-capitalism sentiments. Raised-fists. Vague justice references. These are themes I recalled seeing before at local Tea Party events…from the Socialist Party counter-protesters attempting to disrupt our events.

The custom-made signs are a nice touch. Interestingly, many of the organizing groups behind this event have been heavily funded by billionaire George Soros.

Mr. Soros, who heads the Open Society Foundations, contributed over $36 million between 2000 and 2014 to 18 of the 55 organizations on the march’s steering committee, according to an analysis released Friday by the conservative Media Research Center.Six of the groups received during that time more than $1 million each: the Center for Community Change, the NAACP, the Natural Resources Defense Council, People’s Action, Public Citizen and the Union of Concerned Scientists….While some of its partners are climate-change organizations like NextGen Climate, founded by top Democratic donor Tom Steyer, the march is also heavily backed by labor unions and social-justice groups such as Color of Change, which is also backed by Mr. Soros.

You would think with all that money that they would be able to hire an artist to create a new image for the “Climate March” movement.

The “March for Climate” attracted quite a number of participants, many of them avid socialists and progressive activists. Here is a report, as an example:

Thousands of environmental crusaders took to the sunbaked streets of Washington, D.C., Saturday in protest of the Trump administration’s climate policies.The “People’s Climate March” drew more than 100,000 people including actor Leonardo DiCaprio, entrepreneur Richard Branson and former Vice President Al Gore.“We must turn to solar, wind, water, and we must do it now,” political organizer Judith Howell told the crowd.“We are here to rise up and let self-interest-driven politicians like President Trump know we will no longer allow them to rig the system in favor of greedy corporate polluters.”

I wonder if Howell used a car to arrive to the event, flew on a plant to get to the city, or wore nylon or lycra (made with petroleum products). I also wonder how many participants came for a genuine love of nature, but were forced to endure social justice warrior inanity.

Not every location’s event went off without a hitch. Colorado Springs had to cancel because of real climate change.

The Colorado Springs march, one of 12 slated to take place in Colorado, was canceled late Friday after heavy snow began falling across the Front Range, with more than a foot accumulating in some areas, as reported by Western Wire.“Sometimes Mother Nature throws you a curveball!” said the Colorado Springs Council for Justice in a Friday post 350 Colorado Springs. “We know we aren’t in the business of risking anyone’s safety. Dangerous conditions and wet heavy snow in the forecast for tomorrow.”

In its contempt for President Trump, the mainstream media will gleefully report the thousands of demonstrators that came to the nationwide demonstrations, mindless of the event organizers and their socialism-oriented motivations.

During his 100 Day Rally in Pennsylvania, President Trump mentioned his success at getting the Dakota and Keystone pipelines going forward. Given such a flagrant display of capitalism, I expect that the anti-Trump organizers behind this rally are already planning their next…that the media will also fawn over.

I wonder how much longer they will use “Climate Change” as their cover before moving onto something else?

Tags: Anti-Trump Protests, Climate Change, NAACP, Tom Steyer, Trump Climate Policy