Rep. Chaffetz Reportedly Recovering from Foot Surgery

The odd saga of Rep. Jason Chaffetz continues.

After suddenly announcing he would not seek re-election, House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz then indicated he may not complete his current term.

Wednesday, Chaffetz posted an x-ray of his foot on Instagram saying he needed immediate surgery because he “could be at risk for serious infection” due to a previous energy.

Truthers are everywhere and most comments suggested the x-rays were fake.

The timing of Chaffetz’s sudden absence immediately following a bombshell announcement has led many hill-watchers to speculate there may be more to the story.

But, as The Hill reports, Chaffetz had surgery on his foot and is recovering nicely.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) is “resting comfortably” at the University of Utah Hospital after undergoing a surgical procedure on his foot on Thursday, a spokesperson said.”Congressman Chaffetz was admitted to University of Utah Hospital for immediate surgery in order resolve a serious complication from a previous injury,” University of Utah Health spokeswoman Suzanne Winchester said in a statement.”His physician advised him that it was imperative he receive surgical treatment before further complications arose. The surgery was successful and he is now resting comfortably,” she added.

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Tags: Jason Chaffetz