Rep. Chaffetz Reportedly Recovering from Foot Surgery
“I’m sorry to miss the important work we are doing in Washington.”

The odd saga of Rep. Jason Chaffetz continues.
After suddenly announcing he would not seek re-election, House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz then indicated he may not complete his current term.
Wednesday, Chaffetz posted an x-ray of his foot on Instagram saying he needed immediate surgery because he “could be at risk for serious infection” due to a previous energy.
Truthers are everywhere and most comments suggested the x-rays were fake.
The timing of Chaffetz’s sudden absence immediately following a bombshell announcement has led many hill-watchers to speculate there may be more to the story.
But, as The Hill reports, Chaffetz had surgery on his foot and is recovering nicely.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) is “resting comfortably” at the University of Utah Hospital after undergoing a surgical procedure on his foot on Thursday, a spokesperson said.
“Congressman Chaffetz was admitted to University of Utah Hospital for immediate surgery in order resolve a serious complication from a previous injury,” University of Utah Health spokeswoman Suzanne Winchester said in a statement.
“His physician advised him that it was imperative he receive surgical treatment before further complications arose. The surgery was successful and he is now resting comfortably,” she added.
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I heard that an exercise band broke in his shower and injured his foot.
Man, I’ll bet that foot aches on cold days.
That looks like some fairly serious hardware on such a load-bearing joint. Not many people who see that are going to give him grief over missing a few weeks of work. Having it fixed now is actually pretty opportune timing. It’s not like his co-workers are doing much of anything anyway.
Ouch. That hurts just looking at it.
as someone who has had ankle surgery, i feel his pain…
at least they didn’t put any metal in me. 🙂
Need to keep that foot out of his mouth for a while.
I have a knee replacement and even four years afterward have to take antibiotics before I go to the dentist. These days, the risks of infection are no joke and we are all becoming antibiotic resistant. I suspect that Rep Chaffetz didn’t want to lose his foot or his leg to a raging infection.
After seven years, my wife had a knee replacement go bad on her. They removed the hardware and installed a “spacer” so she was in a wheel chair for six weeks while they gave her daily Vancomycin via a PIC line. They cultured the “brown junk” on the ends of the bones but that all came back negative. Some of the cultures take six weeks so they just gave her the antibiotics anyway. They put in a new replacement but by that time her knee had so much scar tissue that now she only has about 30 degrees of motion.
That’s a massive amount of hardware! I broke my foot and had 4 screws and two years later had them removed because they hurt so much.
Damn. My wife only has about 6 screws and a plate in her foot. In her case around the arch. Oh, and one through from the front to the back of her foot through the little toe. Hurts me to think about it, and yet, it acts up in the weather.
My husband was run over by a car 5 years ago and suffered a spiral fracture of the fibula and a dislocated ankle. One plate, 9 screws, a slight limp and 5 years later, he really dreads the cold weather.
FTA: “due to a previous energy”. Autocorrect strikes again.