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Donors Flee Drexel U. Over Prof Who Wished for White Genocide

Donors Flee Drexel U. Over Prof Who Wished for White Genocide


Remember this guy? His inflammatory statements are starting to cost his employer.

Campus Reform reports:

Students, donors fleeing Drexel over prof’s inflammatory tweets

The professor who tweeted that “all I want for Christmas is white genocide” is now under investigation by Drexel University for his “extremely damaging conduct” on social media.

George Ciccariello-Maher recently tweeted that he wanted to “vomit” after witnessing someone give their first-class airline seat to a uniformed soldier, and later made his Twitter account private following Campus Reform’s reporting on his recent tweet encouraging Philadelphia residents to shut down a recent Charles Murray lecture at Villanova University.

Although Drexel initially defended his right to freedom of expression, the administration appears to have reconsidered that commitment in the face of increased scrutiny into Ciccariello-Maher’s social media activity.

According to documents obtained by InsideHigherEd, Drexel Provost Brian Blake informed Ciccariello-Maher in an April 3 email that the university intends to commission “a special committee of inquiry to investigate your conduct and provide findings and recommendations to me concerning your extremely damaging conduct.”

Blake told Ciccariello-Maher that his “behavior has left me with no choice but to ensure that an appropriate review is conducted in order to deal with this serious distraction to the important academic mission of the university.”

Moreover, Blake noted that the professor’s behavior is “even more concerning” in light of the “cautionary letter” he had sent in February warning Ciccariello-Maher about not only the “white genocide” tweet, but also several others that appeared to be “advocating for the murder of police officers.”

Featured image via YouTube.


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as mother Drexel rolls over in her grave… another former Catholic college going the way of Georgetown, Notre Dame, etc

With the full blessing, jmt9455, of good ol’ “Pope” Bergoglio…

After all, Commies gotta stick together!

Jeesh… hyphenated last name. What a virtue-signaling douche.

Like Mr. Crabs says: The money is always right! And why hasn’t this guy killed himself, already? Hypocrite.

Another Nancy boy talking crap.