It has been a mystery as to why Elizabeth Warren never ran for president in 2016.
As I wrote many times, and early on, I believe Warren would have crushed Hillary. Like a sour grape.
The decision not to run also stood in contrast to Warren’s tough gal act on Twitter and on the stump. She was a flame thrower who claimed not to be afraid to stand up to the bully Trump.
So why didn’t Warren run?
She discloses the reasoning in an upcoming book. The Wall Street Journal obtained an advance copy through the conservative research group America Rising, and it certainly appears that the Cherokee controversy weighed heavily on her decision (emphasis added):
Sen. Elizabeth Warren opted not to run for president in 2016 in part because her husband warned her the race would be far more grueling than her 2012 Senate bid, she writes in a book scheduled for release next week.Ms. Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat, progressive favorite and possible contender for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, recounts asking her husband, Bruce Mann, if she should enter the presidential fray in her new book, “This Fight Is Our Fight.” ….Ms. Warren, 67 years old, recounts her husband was supportive of her but added that “a race like this one looks pretty terrible. The Senate thing was bad enough, and running for president would be worse—a lot worse.’” …In Ms. Warren’s hard-fought 2012 Senate race, her opponent was Scott Brown, a Massachusetts Republican senator who ran as an everyman and referred to her as “Professor Warren,” an attempt to denigrate her background as a Harvard Law School faculty member.The race also saw a controversy over allegations that Ms. Warren had claimed distant Cherokee heritage to gain an advantage in academic hiring. Ms. Warren has described herself as “proud” of her Native American heritage, which she says was passed down in family lore for generations. She won by about 8 percentage points.
Why would Warren have been scared off by the Cherokee controversy if she had family lore to back her up?
I won’t belabor the point, but virtually every story she has told about her supposed Native American ancestry and lore has been proven to be either false or highly questionable.
Legal Insurrection created to gather in one place research and resources from the 2012 Senate race, particularly on the Cherokee issue. Read through it, and you can see the documents and video that would have made it very difficult for Warren to defend herself in a national campaign.
Sure, she was able to obfuscate on the issue in liberal Massachusetts, but she would not have succeeded under the heat of a national campaign.
I’m convinced that there is a lot more out there disproving her claim to be Native American, it just will take researchers with the resources to dig it out of the crevices in Oklahoma. The type of resources that would be brought to bear in a presidential campaign. Maybe the Clintons already did that, and that’s why Warren didn’t run.
While Warren had other controversies, many of them researched and exposed by Legal Insurrection, the Native American claim weighed most heavily and has come to define Warren’s public persona.
How ironic. Claiming to be Native American was used by Warren to try to advance her career. And it was that same claim that ultimately scared her away from running for president.