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7.5 Billion People and NBC Can’t Find One to Say Something Good about Trump

7.5 Billion People and NBC Can’t Find One to Say Something Good about Trump

On Morning Joe, 2-minute report by Richard Engel with only one perspective.

It’s unanimous! 7.5 billion to zero! No one in the entire world likes Donald Trump!

That would be the conclusion you’d have to draw if you watched the segment NBC’s Richard Engel prepared for today’s Morning Joe on international reaction to Trump’s first 100 days. From the UK to South Korea, the West Bank to Germany, there was amazing consensus against Trump.

Among people Engel aired, the best anyone had to say about Trump was British news anchor Alistair Stewart’s observation that at least we’ve literally survived his first 100 days. Said Stewart: there isn’t “all-out nuclear conflict—although it is openly talked about.”

The enterprising Engel somehow couldn’t find a Syrian who was grateful that there have been no more chemical weapons attacks since Trump ordered strikes on an Assad air base. Or perhaps an Israeli, happy to have a friend of the Jewish state in the White House for the first time in eight years.

Check out the screencap from the segment. Surprise: socialists don’t dig Trump!

RICHARD ENGEL: We’ve been asking people around the world what do they think of the first 100 days. What do they think of the new administration, what do they think of the new president. Obviously, he’s very different than his predecessor. And so far, the reviews have not been very good.

Around the world for nearly 100 days, the top story has been President Trump, and he’s being watched with more than a bit of concern.

ALISTAIR STEWART: Quite a few people are saying, well, we’re still here. I think there was a genuine fear.

ENGEL: And that’s the bar.

STEWART: Absolutely!

ENGEL: That’s good. We’re still alive.

STEWART: There isn’t all-out nuclear conflict, although it is openly talked about. I find that quite extraordinary.

ENGEL: Alistair Stewart, a top anchor at Britain’s ITV News has been observing foreign affairs for over 40 years.

STEWART: There is a genuine, real and tangible concern. And it’s based not so much on the idle threats of putting people in their place, it is based upon that perception of ineptitude.

ENGEL: Around the globe, we found a similar feeling that President Trump is careening from crisis to crisis without a foreign policy strategy. In South Korea —

YOUNG KOREAN WOMAN: He’s like starting the old fights with everyone.

ENGEL: To the West Bank.

MAN: He just doesn’t know what he’s doing.

ENGEL: To Germany.

YOUNG MAN: He doesn’t really think about what he does. Maybe he thinks about it a lot, but he seems rude, harsh and not — just not presidential.

ENGEL: People don’t seem to know what to expect or believe from President Trump as he plays brinksmanship with the nuclear-armed and highly erratic North Korea, punishes America’s neighbors, Mexico and Canada, normally considered essential allies, and flip-flops on Syria, lobbing a few dozen missiles at a regime his administration seemed to back a few days before.

Nearly 100 days of President Trump have passed. And if the best international observers can say is we lived through it, these are truly uncharted times.


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100 days of Hillary not being President. Cause to celebrate.

Richard Engel explains why his ratings are so low.

So control freaks and surrender-monkeys have strong reservations about the President.

I think that was the plan all along.

Theoretical Discussion at NBC: I don’t understand. We went back into the broadcasting breakroom and talked to everybody there. Well, except for Raul the janitor, but he only speaks Spanish. Nobody at all voted for Trump or even liked him. Raul just nodded at us and put his MAGA hat back on. I wonder what that means in Spanish?

Well, to be fair, no one at NBC knows anyone who has anything good to say about Trump. They don’t even know anyone that knows anyone that does. And it would be irresponsible for them to report anything third-hand, don’t you know?

Lol what a joke, and they still don’t understand how the Neanderthal beat them like a red headed stepchild.

    Old0311 in reply to gonzotx. | April 27, 2017 at 10:45 am

    It must be true because NBC said it was and they have that pretty bird logo. A friend who has a friend who is in the know told me that Hillary has done a topless photo shoot with a 1953 Kaiser Devin and it will be in the May issue of an unnamed hotrod magazine. Obviously Hillary has seen her mistake and is attempting to bond with mid America. Hopefully this will be better accepted than the write up she got in Pit Bull Digest, but then again she should not have bitten the dog.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to gonzotx. | April 27, 2017 at 12:24 pm

    Methinks MSM and Uni-Party beat themselves like a Red-…..

amatuerwrangler | April 27, 2017 at 10:48 am

For the past 6 months (since 9Nov16) the MSM has been digging up and broadcasting everything they can find that can be spun into negatives about President Trump… and that involves the obvious reluctance to call him President; many just say “Trump” or “Mr. Trump” instead. And this is all people see, so it is no surprise that they hold a negative opinion.

I recall a story that claimed that in 1491 public opinion polls were constantly overwhelmingly saying that the earth was flat. People hold the opinions they do because of the information they are fed.

The “100 Days” is stupid. A candidate tells people what they will do when elected, and only really dumb people will think it will really happen. First and foremost the Executive needs the support and permission of Congress. Reluctance by Congress to give this support is drag on the Executive’s programs. And that drag has been very high for President Trump. Not getting everything done comes as no surprise to this cowboy.

Full disclosure: I did not vote for him. I thought his whole candidacy was some kind of joke and that his numbers would disappear as soon as the Iowa caucus happened… So I was wrong, but found constant amazement right up to the moment Florida went to him. And I was as happy as a pig in s**t!

** There is not a President Hillary!! **

Perhaps it would be good if NBC were to take a poll from other than the paid professional rioters and anti-free speech loving left.

The mainstream media– the new “safe space” for professional bullies.

I find this sad because of all the people who are deceived. My dear sister listens religiously to NBC (morning noon and night if she has time) and feels she is well informed because they TELL her she is well informed. By watching NBC she knows all she needs to know, not like those ignorant, close minded conservatives who watch FOX and listen to Rush. Like me. Except, I don’t watch FOX or listen to Rush.

Oh look, a British journalist doesn’t like our Republican President.
There’s a big freakin surprise!