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Ryan Heads to the WH, Doesn’t Have the Votes for GOP Health Insurance Bill

Ryan Heads to the WH, Doesn’t Have the Votes for GOP Health Insurance Bill

Back to the drawing board?

Let it die and start over.

From the NYT:

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, facing a revolt among conservative and moderate Republicans, rushed to the White House Friday afternoon to inform President Trump he did not have the votes to pass legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act and to decide whether to pull the bill from consideration.

The president and the speaker faced the humiliating prospect of a major defeat on legislation promised for seven years, since the landmark health legislation was signed into law. President Trump had demanded a vote regardless, which has been scheduled for Friday afternoon. But House leaders were leaning against such a public loss.

The House opened debate Friday on what would have been one of the most consequential pieces of legislation in years, a bill that would have rolled back a major, established social welfare program, a feat that is almost unheard of.

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Paul Ryan is the very definition of a Republican loser.

Trump should immediately ask Ryan to step down as Speaker (hopefully, he will have the full-throated support of at least the Freedom Caucus.) Trump needs to claim the high ground on this immediately before the GOPe joins with the Deep State Greek chorus universally blaming him for this epic failure. His message? “When Republicans control EVERYTHING while empowered by a powerful and SPECIFIC mandate, there is no excuse for this kind of failure. The Republican leadership that I inherited needs to go. It is up to the House Republicans to clean up their own swamp before we can proceed with cleaning up everyone else’s swamps.”

He should then declare that he is moving ahead with the rest of his agenda immediately, especially border control and new trade deals. But once the House elects a new Speaker, negotiations will begin anew to REPEAL ObamaCare by August.

There was no excuse for what Ryan tried to pull. I am just hoping that seeing now other way to dislodge the most important obstacle standing in his way, giving Ryan the rope to hang himself was part of the Trump strategy to begin clearing the decks of GOP corruptocrats.

Now let’s hope that the Freedom Caucus will finally find the gonads to produce a candidate to replace Ryan. I fear that they will take the Koch brothers Faustian offer for $$$ in exchange for killing RyanCare which I guarantee will require that they blame Trump, not Ryan, for that epic inexcusable failure