Rumor Mill Can’t Quit Speculating About A Hillary Run for NYC Mayor

After an embarrassing electoral loss to Donald Trump, America wants to know — Will Hillary Clinton run for Mayor of NYC?

Since January, rumors continue to circulate that the embattled former Secretary of State is mulling another campaign.

The latest comes from an anonymous source, as reported by TMZ:

Hillary Clinton was at a small gathering recently with some politically connected people in NYC, and it seems she’s noodling the idea of running for mayor.A source who was at the gathering last month says Hillary told the group she has not ruled it out and is taking a real look at it.We’re told she was talking to people in her close circle to gauge the level of interest and support in a Clinton candidacy.Our source made it clear … judging from the meeting, so far it’s just talk.We attempted to reach Clinton, but no luck.

“It’s just talk,” they say.

The Clinton camp has yet to confirm or deny the rumors. Whether or not they originated from Hillary’s team as means of testing the waters is also unknown.

After the Hillary for Mayor rumor first surfaced, a Q Poll was released testing how Hillary would fare against current Mayor, Bill de Blasio. Also included in the hypothetical electoral poll were a handful of other candidates.

Hillary led de Blasio 49 to 30 in the fictitious showdown.

De Blasio isn’t exactly a popular mayor, but even in the pretend polling, Staten Island was less than thrilled with the prospect of a Hillary mayorship.

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Tags: Hillary Clinton, New York City