Omar Barghouti, co-founder of BDS, arrested for tax evasion

Omar Barghouti is considered one of the co-founders of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. Barghouti is a Qatari-born Palestinian who lives in Israel because he married an Arab Israeli woman.

He also is a Class A propagandist and hypocrite. He demands that others boycott Israeli universities, for example, but also attended Tel Aviv University.

Barghouti uses his presence in Israel to preach for the destruction of Israel, as we wrote in BDS Co-founder Omar Barghouti: “the right of our people to the 1948 lands is in danger”:

Barghouti is against “normalization” of relations between Israeli Jews and Arabs.

Barghouti also, according to Israeli media reports, has been enriching himself and evading taxes. The Tower reports:

The leader of the campaign to boycott Israel was arrested by Israeli authorities on Monday for allegedly failing to report hundreds of thousands of dollars in income, Globes reported.Omar Barghouti, a co-founder of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement and the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, is suspected of evading taxes on some $700,000 that he earned between 2007 to 2017 while serving as the director of the Ramallah-based National Computing Resources, which markets and rents ATMs and other technology within the Palestinian Authority.Barghouti, who resides in the Israeli city of Acre, deposited the money in a Ramallah bank account to hide it from tax authorities, according to the charges. He is also believed to have deposited income from a global speaking tour and book royalties in a bank account in the United States, which was similarly hidden from authorities.Police say that credit cards and transaction records found at his house support their suspicions.

Israeli Tax Authorities posted a message on its Facebook page which reads (auto translation is rough, but it’s understandable).

Dr. Michael Oren, former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. tweeted:

That Barghouti has amassed so much wealth is a testament to how BDS leadership is following in the footsteps of Yasser Arafat and other Palestinian leaders who enrich themselves while their people suffer.

BDS is a money-making scheme for hundreds of people like Barghouti whose careers are tied to preventing peace and mutual understanding. That includes western liberal groups who support BDS because it keeps the money and salaries flowing.

Tags: BDS, Omar Barghouti