Judicial Watch Sues EPA for “Environmental Justice” Grant Records

The last time we checked in on the Environmental Protection Agency, a long-time staffer and social justice warrior had just tendered his resignation after recognizing the political climate had dramatically changed.

Things are about to get a little hotter for this merry band of bureaucrats, as they are being sued by Judicial Watch.

The watchdog group is seeking copies of the EPA’s proposals and awards for environmental justice grants delivered in 2014 and 2015, and said it hasn’t been provided with any documents yet.“This is a simple records request and the fact that the Obama EPA ignored it for years tells you the agency has something to hide,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a press release.

The team at Judicial Watch would like to...follow the money.

“The Obama EPA’s ‘environmental justice’ slush fund for its leftwing allies needs to be exposed,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “This is a simple records request and the fact that the Obama EPA ignored it for years tells you the agency has something to hide.”

I am certain it will take years for legal excavators to uncover the pyramid of corruption, cronyism, and incompetence that occurred during the Obama Administration. Meanwhile, in order to write his memoirs, the former President is extending his stay in the South Pacific (though, if there were real justice, Obama would now be in Cuba).

Additionally, the setting likely offers Obama consolation as the new head of the EPA prepares to execute a new executive order from our current President:

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt slammed the 2015 Paris accord to combat climate change as “a bad deal.”Pruitt also revealed in an interview with ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos on Sunday that President Trump will this week sign a new executive order that will eliminate a signature Obama-era policy for combating climate change, the Clean Power Plan.The policy, which the Supreme Court put on hold pending judicial review, aims to cut carbon emissions from U.S. power plants.But Pruitt said on ABC’s “This Week” that the Obama administration had “a very anti-fossil fuel strategy, coal, natural gas and the rest” and that Trump aims to change that with the goal of producing jobs and lowering electricity rates for consumers.

Obama’s EPA policies aren’t the only ones on the chopping block, either. President Trump just signed away 4 of Obama’s pet programs to the dustbin of history.

The president canceled the “Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces” rule, which blacklists companies from receiving federal contracts if have violated labor rules in the past, the “Planning 2.0” rule, which dealt with how to use 245 million acres of federal land and was opposed by the energy industry, and two regulations under the “Every Student Succeeds Act,” which Trump said removes “an additional layer of bureaucracy to encourage freedom in our schools.”

I sure hope they serve a lot of tropical drinks on that South Pacific Island. Obama is surely going to need them.

Tags: EPA, Judicial Watch, Trump Environment Policy