Haley Puts UN on Notice: “The Days of Israel-Bashing are Over”

New United Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley wowed the audience at AIPAC this evening, saying “The days of Israel-bashing are over,” in a conversation with former Defense Department official Dan Senor.

Haley told Senor that while she had heard that there was anti-Israel bias at the UN “you can’t comprehend how ridiculous it is.”

Senor introduced Haley, comparing her to predecessors Daniel Patrick Moynihan (as Prof Jacobson has done) and Jeane Kirkpatrick. Haley did not disappoint.

She began her explanation of how she would change the UN by saying, “I wear heels. It’s not for a fashion statement. Because if I see something wrong, I’m going to kick them every single time.”

After sketching how the United States would approach the UN to bring about change at the institution she first said the US would put the UN on notice that it would defend its friends, specifically Israel. “The days of Israel-bashing are over,” said Haley.

Haley told of how she blocked a UN attempt to install a former Palestinian Authority official as a representative of the UN, saying that there are “no freebies for the Palestinian Authority” until they negotiation seriously with Israel. Then she explained how she pushed for the UN to withdraw a report that accused Israel of practicing apartheid that led to the resignation of the head of the agency who issued the report.

Haley is finally the voice the US needs in the UN.

Her full remarks are here:

Tags: Israel, Nikki Haley, United Nations