Chris Coons walkback: “I have no hard evidence of collusion” between Trump world and Russians

When Donald Trump sent out his series of tweets about alleged “tapping” of his phones and/or Trump Tower by Obama, the instant media reaction was that Trump made the allegation without presenting any proof.

As if proof were needed at the time of an accusation for a media that has put Trump on trial for the last 6-8 months based on innuendo about Trump campaign ties to Russia. As pointed out repeatedly, there is zero proof in the public record of such media and Democrat accusations, and no proof was demanded by the media.

In fact, Democratic Senator Chris Coons recently suggested there were incriminating transcripts of calls involving Trump or his associates:

This allegation of transcripts stoked the already burning innuendo aimed at Trump world:

Yet on Fox News Sunday this morning, Coons admitted (as Sen. Tom Cotton also stated on the show) that there is no hard evidence of collusion:

Republican Senator Tom Cotton also stated he has not seen any hard evidence of collusion

This supports what I have been saying all along: Unless and until there is evidence shown to the public of wrongdoing by the Trump campaign, this amounts to nothing more than an attempt to undermine the Trump administration based on innuendo, The fact-free Intelligence Community-Media trial of Trump by innuendo:

I don’t know whether Donald Trump or his aides had any improper contacts with Russian Intelligence officers.Neither do you, or the media. The Intelligence Community might know, but they have provided zero facts either officially or through leaks to prove any improper, much less illegal, conduct took place.Instead, we have trial by innuendo based on there being “contacts” between Trump campaign aides and Russian intelligence….In this fact-free environment, imaginations and malicious intentions can run wild. We have round-the-clock media and social media speculation and frenzy throwing around terms like impeachment, treason, and so on.It is, in some ways, worse than harmful facts, because there is no clear accusation against which to defend, and no factual basis upon which the public can judge.

Tags: Chris Coons, Fox News, Trump Russia