Andrew Breitbart died 5 years ago today
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Andrew Breitbart died 5 years ago today

Andrew Breitbart died 5 years ago today

Apologize for what?

It’s hard to believe it’s been 5 years since Andrew Breitbart’s death.

I remember that day, March 1, 2012, Andrew Breitbart dead:

Very sad news to report, just breaking.  Andrew Breitbart is dead.

Via Big Journalism:

Andrew passed away unexpectedly from natural causes shortly after midnight this morning in Los Angeles.

We have lost a husband, a father, a son, a brother, a dear friend, a patriot and a happy warrior.

Andrew lived boldly, so that we more timid souls would dare to live freely and fully, and fight for the fragile liberty he showed us how to love.

… There are few people who are irreplaceable, but Andrew may have been one of those few.

I wrote A personal note on the death of Andrew Breitbart that day:

I only spoke once with Andrew Breitbart. He reached out to me, and we spoke by phone.  The topic is not important, but I was shocked that he even knew who I was; but as I’ve come to learn, Andrew seemed to know who everyone was in the conservative blogosphere.  He was just that way.

Since my wife called this morning to let me know of Andrew’s death, it has been hard to focus on anything else.  In her words, we don’t have that many bright media lights, and to lose him hurts.

Andrew lived in a world without restraints.   He could be who he wanted to be, a luxury few bloggers have, particularly those who blog under their own name and work for others.

I live in a world of restraints, and I envied Andrew’s freedom more than you can know.

Andrew is irreplaceable, but we would serve his memory well to aspire to more freedom of thought and more freedom of action.

I’ve often wondered where to go with this blog.  I now know.

So much has changed, but not the core fight.

I’ve tried to do my small part in honoring his legacy by fighting the relentless battle to set the record straight that he did not misleadingly edit the video of Shirley Sherrod:

This is still my favorite interview of him, by Prof. Glenn Reynolds and the Instawife:

When I think of Andrew, my mind also runs to Mandy.

I miss them both.


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    MattMusson in reply to Ragspierre. | March 2, 2017 at 8:55 am

    I heard some of the rebroadcast of Levin’s interview with Brietbart and it reminded me of how much we lost when that courageous man died.

“Wherever you go, whether it be a college campus or the New York Times or ABC News or Venezuela or Cuba or the former Soviet Union, it’s amazing how the speech codes and the trying to shut up dissent is a defining aspect of the left because they believe so firmly in their utopian ideals that anyone who would disagree with that utopia is an enemy of the state, and they treat them as such.” Andrew Breitbart

Amazing… he nailed it. RIP Mr. Breitbart.

Five years. Unbelievable.

I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but I still don’t believe the “natural causes” claim, one hundred percent. He was causing more angst and fear to the Obama/Clinton group than everyone else combined back then.

During all the scandals and evil doings over the last several years, we constantly would say “I wish Breitbart were here”.

    Janelle in reply to JOHN B. | March 2, 2017 at 2:51 pm

    I don’t quite buy that either, John. Although he was certainly under a great deal of pressure.

I still remember the time when name Breitbart meant something order of magnitude better than what it means today.

Rest in Peace, Andrew.

Oh yes, Breitbart is missed badly! To think what he would have done with the Project Veritas videos of the Dems’ dirty tricks last fall !
Too bad, that magnificent effort fizzled, rather than producing the fire storm if rightfully should have.

How crass, how blatant must Demokrats act, to be held accountable?