Swedish leftist feminist politicians wear Hijabs and Chadors during Iran meetings

Sweden’s new “first feminist government in the world” donned hijabs while on a state visit to Iran, as U.N. Watch reports.

Trade minister Ann Linde and other members of Sweden’s “first feminist government in the world” walked past Iranian President Rouhani yesterday as they covered their hair in compliance with Iran’s compulsory hijab law, despite Stockholm’s promise to promote “a gender equality perspective” internationally, and to adopt a “feminist foreign policy” in which “equality between women and men is a fundamental aim.”The scene was also a sharp contrast to Deputy Prime Minister Isabella Lövin’s feminist stance against Trump, in a viral tweet and then in a Guardian op-ed last week, in which she wrote that “the world need strong leadership for women’s rights.”Linde “sees no conflict” between her government’s human rights policy and signing trade deals with an oppressive dictatorship that tortures prisoners, persecutes gays, and is a leading executioner of minors.

Here is Lovin’s tweet that was hyped as a taunt directed at Trump:

Contrast that stance with the actions by leftist feminist members of the Swedish government who recently traveled to Iran.

They had a choice — stand for their leftist feminist values by refusing to go to Iran if it meant supplicating themselves to the Mullahs.

This bizarre sight was met with disdain and disgust on Twitter.

And a pointed reminder:

Tags: Feminism, Iran, Sweden