“sheriff doesn’t see a connection between the killing and [the murderer’s] immigration status”
Excuse me, but if he weren’t here illegally, she’d still be alive.

In late December 2016, a woman was brutally murdered in Washington State, shot to death with a note from the murderer attached to her body with a knife.
Her name was Jill Sundberg.
Jill was born on Aug 4, 1985 in Quincy, WA to Greg and Janet (Zimbelman) Sundberg.
Jill lived her entire life in Quincy, graduating from Quincy High School in 2004. After graduation, in addition to raising her family, she worked various jobs in Home Health Care and food services.
During her younger years she enjoyed snowboarding, camping and spending time on the river with her family and friends. Family was very important to Jill.
She adored her niece and nephews but her greatest joy in life was her four boys.
Jill was kind hearted, generous and very outgoing. Jill was loved by many and will be missed.
Jill is survived by her sons, Zander, Drason, Kaleb and Brayden, mother Janet Sundberg, brother Riley Sundberg, sister Robbi (Julian) Rubio, grandparents Dick and Shirley Zimbelman, niece Jada and nephews Julian and Rhogan.
KXLY reports, Grant County Sheriff details savage murder:
Grant County Sheriff’s detectives called it one of the most savage murders they’ve ever investigated.
Jill Sundberg, the mother of four children, kidnapped by five men who were living here in the United States illegally.
Sundberg’s body was found off the Old Vantage Highway in December. She and the suspects all lived at the Shady Tree trailer park near George.
The killer did little to cover his tracks, even leaving behind a message for detectives at the crime scene….
Several of the men all told the same story: They were partying with the victim at the RV park, when Gustavo Tapia Rodriguez lost his temper with Sundberg, forced her into an SUV and kidnapped her.
“Five individuals, plus Jill, all in one vehicle drove her specifically down the Old Vantage Highway, and I’ll call it like I see it, they executed her,” said Jones.
The group of men then went and bought beer at a convenience store, but not before leaving behind something behind at the murder scene that would shock even seasoned detectives.
“They they added one more salt to the wound, so to speak, and they put a note on her back and put a knife in her back,” said Jones. “I won’t say what the note said, but it sounds like it was a disrespectful thing and just absolutely gruesome.”
The Spokesman-Review provides details as to the murderer’s illegal immigration history:
Gustavo Tapia Rodriguez, 39, is one of five undocumented immigrants from Mexico charged in the killing. He is the suspected triggerman, according to Grant County Sheriff Tom Jones.
Rodriguez is also known as Pablo Zamora-Hernandez. He was living in George, Washington, and remains jailed on a million-dollar bond on charges of murder and kidnapping….
Rodriquez, Varona, 25, and Villanueva, 25, all face a charge of first-degree murder. Two men accused of being material witnesses in the case are Salvador Espinoza Gomez, 24, and Fernando Marcos Gutierrez, 33.
“All five are non-U.S. citizens,” Jones said.
The sheriff said he did not know what Rodriguez, the suspected shooter, had for a job prior to his arrest. However, he was a convicted felon and was deported through El Paso, Texas, in 2007. He returned illegally to the United States.
After the killing, authorities arrested Rodriguez on an unrelated charge. As the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service held him in Tacoma, detectives questioned the other suspects in the case.
K5 TV reported on the burden on the local system from crimes by illegal aliens:
While this type of crime is rare, [Sheriff Tom] Jones doesn’t have to look farther than the jail next door to realize a disturbing trend. Undocumented immigrants make up 10 percent of the inmate population, costing the county almost $1.7 million over the last three years.
And that’s just to hold them. Jones said the total cost to the system is much more.
“When we have our investigators investigating these crimes, the manpower it takes, the overtime, and the prosecutor’s office, all the resources it takes, it’s taxing,” he said.
The KXLY report above contains this police assessment as to immigration status (emphasis added):
While it’s true the defendant was an illegal alien at the time of the murder, the sheriff doesn’t see a connection between the killing and Tapia Rodriguez’s immigration status. However, if the defendant is convicted of this homicide, he won’t be deported again, he’ll remain here in the U.S. to serve what will be a very long prison sentence.
Sorry sheriff, you are wrong, dead wrong.
If the murderer were not illegally in the U.S., he would not be here at all. And if he weren’t here, Jill Sundberg would be alive.
Much like the Kate Steinle murder, the illegal status of the murderer has everything to do with the crime. Every single crime committed by an illegal alien is a crime that would not have happened if the person were not here illegally.

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Sine qua non. But for the illegal immigration, the victim would be alive. Plus, consider the corrosive effect on society when breaking the law has no consequences or, worse, is rewarded.
I’d go further: illegal aliens have been conferred Super-Citizen Status. American citizens are second-class citizens now.
An illegal alien doesn’t have to concern himself with hundreds of American laws, literally hundreds of them, nor does he pay for the cost of American infrastructure, while he benefits from it all, and is indeed often paid TO BUILD IT.
Americans are pack mules for illegal aliens.
As I’ve said before; if an illegal alien convicted of a felony in the US returns, they should be in a US prison for life.
Deportation has no effect on predatory people. They will always return to the richest place for predation.
I had not seen your comment before writing mine, below.
Free room and board for life? No.
One purpose of incarceration is segregation of dangerous people from the rest of us.
We have to willingly pay for that. I doubt very much you’d find that killing them would be supportable.
Actually, execution is the ONLY way to make sure that a person does not reenter society and commit further violations. And, paying ~$50,000 a year to house 10 million illegal aliens for an average span of 20 years would be unconscionably expensive [~10 trillion dollars over 20 years, if no other convictions occur during that time]. So, life imprisonment is not really an option.
Incarceration for a period of 5 years or less may work as a deterrent or to facilitate rehabilitation, but warehousing the number of people who would be involved would simply not work. That is why a means must be found to keep the number of people actually entering this country illegally has to be implemented. This allows the US to segregate the unwanted violators from the rest of our population.
“And, paying ~$50,000 a year to house 10 million illegal aliens for an average span of 20 years would be unconscionably expensive [~10 trillion dollars over 20 years, if no other convictions occur during that time]. So, life imprisonment is not really an option.”
You can’t read, apparently. And your assumptions are, frankly, stupid.
Nobody suggests there are 10 million convicted felons amid the illegal alien population in the US. And there really never could be.
For Rags:
Sorry slick, but no one knows how many illegal aliens, who have been convicted of a felony are actually resident in this country. We do not know how many illegal aliens are actually in the country, period.
Now, felonies come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Presenting false identification to get a job, constitutes felony identity theft, in many states. Falsifying an application for government assistance is also a felony, usually. The list is long and many, if not most, of the immigrants who enter this country illegally commit one of these criminal violations sooner or later. So, my numbers are not necessarily out of line.
And, finally, why on earth would we want to support a person who enters our country illegally FOR LIFE? This is simply insane.
“Sorry slick, but no one knows how many illegal aliens, who have been convicted of a felony are actually resident in this country. We do not know how many illegal aliens are actually in the country, period.”
Thus proving my point. “Slick”.
There ARE lots of felonies in the US. How many convictions and how many of those are illegals?
Not that many. “Slick”.
The death penalty for just the predicates I’m talking about would never have political support.
THAT is insane. “Slick”.
Prison? No, that’s too good. Here’s another illegal alien who broke the law in coming here (bypassed legal and established points of entry). He was captured, deported, and returned, again illegally, knowing that he broke the law. Then, he killed somebody, an act that is a crime throughout the known world.
He doesn’t deserve prison, it’s too good; free room and board for life, and all the weights he cares to lift? No thanks. Instead, establish capital punishment as the automatic penalty for illegal aliens who commit violent crimes (e.g., anything involving children, armed robbery/burglary, carjacking, rape, torture, murder, etc.). Assuming the perpetrator is found guilty, immediately file the automatic appeal and turn it to a separate set of investigators who will immediately review the case, using the original investigators only as resources, not assistants, so as to not prejudice the review. Once the review of evidence is complete and confirmed as correct, set the date. From this point forward, NO further appeals are allowed.
From the date of the original verdict, this procedure should NOT take more than a month.
Oh, and bring back the firing squad. Copper, lead, depleted uranium … doesn’t matter. That way, there’s no squabbling over the lack of IV solutions.
“He was captured, deported, and returned, again illegally, knowing that he broke the law. Then, he killed somebody, an act that is a crime throughout the known world.”
You left out a critical element; he was convicted of a felony and served time here before being deported.
You also missed the fact that I was not talking about this PARTICULAR thug, but more generally.
This PARTICULAR thug SHOULD be executed for his crimes, which rise way beyond merely coming here illegally again.
My point was that…
1. illegals
2. convicted of a felony in the US
3. who EVER return
4. should be incarcerated for life, just on those predicates.
If, like this thug, they commit ANOTHER crime, they need to pay for that, too.
While the immigration status of Rodriguez does not have a direct connection to the death of Ms. Sundberg, if he was here legally, we would not be having this discussion.
As a convicted felon who had been previously deported, Rodriguez would not have been allowed to re-enter the US, legally. The revolving door policy with regard to illegal immigrants has to be stopped right now and all illegal immigrants deported.
“However, he was a convicted felon and was deported through El Paso, Texas, in 2007. He returned illegally to the United States.”
I support capital punishment for anyone deported from the US who returns illegally.
If the Sheriff does not the connection, he is either dishonest or blinded by his indoctrination. The connection may not be absolute, but the inference is more than reasonable. Thank a Democrat for this.
Wow that Sheriff is fundamentally stupid. That statement alone should allow the citizens to release him from his job.
And I think there would be tons of support, overwhelmingly for capital punishment.
No crime should be tolerated from anyone in the country illegally. Every crime committed by someone who has no business being here, is one crime too many. We have to deal with citizens who are criminals because we can’t deport them. Under no circumstance should any crime be dismissed when a person here illegally. Those criminals should get a harsher punishment than a citizen. Instead, the foreign national gets a break. That needs to end.
We desperately need emigration reform.
Everyone has to tend their garden, produce fruits of their labor, and control the native weeds.
“Excuse me, but if he weren’t here illegally, she’d still be alive.”
Given his nature, he’s have probably killed her or someone else even if he had been here legally. Lots of illegal aliens (excuse me: undocumented immigrants), just like millions of guns in this country, haven’t killed anyone. His status as an IA is irrelevant.
Hmmm 10 million convicted felons … That’s kinda like the question … If a tree fall’s in the forest and there is no one there does it make a noise… Just because you haven’t been convicted of a felony doesn’t mean you haven’t committed felonies … Lets see
1- reentry after being deported makes you a felon
2-ID theft makes you a felon
3- lying on I-9 form makes you a felon
4- does working for cash and not paying taxes make you a felon
How many ILLEGAL ALIENS have violated 1 or all of the above
Interesting that in the obit there is absolutely no mention of her being survived by the father(s) of her children. I would venture to say that inconvenient little fact probably also played a role in this unfortunate situation, for if she had been living with or at least spending time with the kids’ dad, she probably would not have been out partying with these no-good troublemakers.
Blunt, but there you go.
That too caught my eye, plus, what was she doing “partying in an RV park” with 5 illegal aliens? Makes me think, huh?
That doesn’t make it all right to murder a person. Let’s not blame the victim.
Wow, maybe her dress was to short!
The Sheriff is not fulfilling his oath of office and in addition is a traitor! He should resign if doesn’t think he should be required to enforce the law!
I got it! Illegals committing murder and law enforcement not recognizing it as such. Also, elected officials keeping blinders on doesn’t help a community either. This women didn’t deserve to die.
However, she made bad decisions with her life. She, at 31, had 4 children, that now have no Mother. There was no mention to the Father(s) of said children in the article. Her education was limited; probably to children and no husband. Why is a Mother of 4 at an RV Park?
The question is will the State if Washington seek the death penalty on these men. Washington State sued the Federal Government to keep so-called “immigrates” in the country. Is Washington State culpable in this woman’s death?