Poll: Majority think Press too critical of Trump, as optimism rises

The mainstream media is in open warfare with Trump.

Trump is returning the favor.

Who’s winning in the battle for public opinion?

According to a WSJ/NBC News poll released today, Trump is winning.

The Hill reports:

A majority of Americans believe news organizations are too critical of President Trump, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released Sunday.Fifty-one percent of Americans said the media is too critical of Trump, while 41 percent think news organizations have been fair and objective.The poll also found that Americans are becoming more optimistic about where the country is headed, with 40 percent saying it is headed in the right direction. In December, 33 percent felt that way, compared to 18 percent in July.

Considering that the media is the main opposition party, this is a significant finding as it comes after a month of furious media attacks on every single aspect of the Trump administration.  While polling as to who is more trustworthy is mixed (see here and here), clearly the public views the media’s attacks on Trump as biased and unfair.

The poll also finds that Trump’s approval rating is only 44%, low for a new president. Most of the concern comes from his temperament — but the base is sticking with him:

But despite his historically underwater public popularity, the survey also shows that his support from Republicans remains robust and that the public’s overall views of him are relatively stable. He has maintained the loyalty of his party both on his policy proposals and on his ongoing warfare with the mainstream media, and a majority of Americans believe that he will follow through on his promises of change.His personal favorability rating – 43 percent positive and 47 percent negative – is stable compared to previous polls, and a majority of Americans — 57 percent — said that he is performing about how they expected him to in the White House. That’s compared to 19 percent who said he is doing better than they expected and 24 percent who said he is doing worse.

Tags: Media Bias, Polling, Trump Popularity