Filmmaker Confirms Numbers on Refugees And Crime in Sweden

During his rally in Florida this weekend, Trump brought up the problems some countries in Europe and elsewhere are having with refugees. He singled out Sweden and the left, including many people in media, jumped on it.

It turns out, Trump was basing his claims on a segment from the Tucker Carlson show in which filmmaker Ami Horowitz described a documentary project on the subject. Ami returned to the show last night and after Tucker replayed the clip, Horowitz backed up his project with numbers directly from the Swedish government.

From FOX News:

Ami Horowitz defends Sweden refugee claims from backlash over Trump remarkFilmmaker Ami Horowitz defended his investigation of refugees in Sweden Monday night amid a blacklash after President Donald Trump cited his work during a campaign speech over the weekend.“Between 2012 and 2016 the murder rate [in Sweden] is up almost 70 percent,” Horowitz told “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” citing the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention. “Rape between 2007 and 2015 is up a similar number, almost 70 percent. These are their statistics, not my statistics.”At the Florida event Saturday, Trump said Sweden “took in large numbers” of refugees and was “having problems like they never thought possible.” Trump later specified on Twitter that he was referring to Carlson’s original segment with Horowitz, which aired Friday night.Trump’s remarks, which implied that a terror attack had hit Sweden Friday night, was roundly criticized by Swedish officials and mainstream media outlets. A pair of policemen Horowitz interviewed for his film also took issue, with one referring to him as a “madman.””Can you imagine the amount of pressure that must be on them from their bosses because of this maelstrom that they’ve kind of found themselves in?” Horowitz asked. “They’re the ones who discussed [how] they didn’t want to be considered racist. They’re the ones who used the words ‘no-go zones’ in describing these Islamic enclaves [in Swedish cities], not me.”

You can watch the segment below:

Later in the program, Tucker spoke with Anne-Sophie Naslund, the U.S. correspondent for the Swedish newspaper “Expressen” about the fact that in Sweden, people can face investigation and even jail for saying the wrong thing.

He suggested that this makes it difficult to know what people really think about these issues because they live in fear of being prosecuted as a racist.

You can watch the exchange below:

This is what people mean when they say the left wants America to be more like Sweden. Progressives are hell bent on bringing thousands of unvetted refugees to the U.S. and you’re a racist if you disagree.

I’ll leave you with this. Note the source of the numbers.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: refugees, Sweden, Tucker Carlson