Dogs and Puppies Left Behind at Dakota Pipeline Protest Site

In a recent post, we highlighted the mountains of garbage left behind by pro-environment protesters of the Dakota Pipeline. Now there’s a new development in the story which is more upsetting.

Dogs and puppies have been abandoned at the site.

FOX 6 in North Dakota reported:

“Extremely sad:” Volunteers rescue dogs, puppies seemingly abandoned at DAPL protest campsIt was a hectic week as law enforcement officials worked to clear the Oceti Sakowin protest camp in North Dakota. As officers moved in, and protesters moved out, garbage wasn’t the only thing abandoned.Two dogs and six puppies were found and rescued at the main Dakota Access Pipeline camp by Furry Friends Rockin’ Rescue. Those with the rescue have been working hard to catch all of the animals left behind at the camp — and they’re not giving up on these abandoned pets.“Extremely sad — being these guys were left behind. But we offer, Furry Friends offers hope. I mean, there’s so much hope within Furry Friends as far as these puppies finding homes,” said Tiffany Hardy.Those with Furry Friends Rockin’ Rescue plan on going back to the protest camps, where they said they’re having a hard time catching these animals because of the loud heavy machinery that’s being used to clean up the area.

The Daily Signal tweeted out the video below:

Furry Friends Rockin’ Rescue in Bismarck is posting updates:

Hat tip to John Sexton of Hot Air who adds:

There’s something wrong with people who say they want to save the world but can’t manage to take care of their own pets.

As a dog owner myself, I just don’t know how someone could have abandoned any of these animals. It breaks my heart and makes me angry at the same time.

Featured image is a screen cap of FOX 6 video.

Tags: Environment