CA State Senator admits half of family under deportation threat
State Senator de Leon has been “leading the fight” to make California sanctuary state

President Trump’s “shock and awe” approach continues with a massive crackdown on illegal aliens in Southern California.
Federal immigration officials say 160 people were arrested across the Southland over the past week during a crackdown targeting “criminal aliens, illegal re-entrants and immigration fugitives.”
The arrests took place in six counties during what U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials described as a “five-day targeted enforcement operation” that began Monday and wrapped up around noon Friday.
Of the 160 arrested, about 150 had criminal histories, while five more had either been previously deported or had “final orders of removal”. Many of those arrested had prior felony convictions for “serious or violent offenses” including child sex crimes and assault.
The arrestees – which were 95 percent male – included nationals from a dozen countries, according to ICE.
Not surprisingly, the social justice warriors have been out in force to protest the action.
Immigration advocates and supporters gathered near the Metropolitan Detention Center in downtown L.A. to peacefully protest ICE’s reported actions. Demonstrators closed Aliso Street to through traffic near the Alvarado Street intersection for about two hours, chanting “No hate, no fear, immigrants are welcome here.”
…California Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León issued a statement Thursday saying he “asked federal officials to disclose how many children, men, and women they have detained; what the processing time will be; what the rationale is for their detention; and I asked that everyone be offered access to an attorney.”
Legal Insurrection readers may recall that Senator de León has been busy crafting California’s Sanctuary State legislation. During testimony for those rules, he made a startling admission:
A Los Angeles lawmaker leading the fight to make California a so-called “sanctuary state” has suggested half of his family would be deported for using falsified Social Security cards and other fake identification.
California Senate Leader Kevin de Leon made the claims during testimony before the Senate’s Public Safety Committee for SB54, a bill introduced by De Leon that would create a statewide sanctuary for immigrants living in the country illegally.
Responding to President Trump’s suggestion of “withholding federal funding” from California, de Leon said: “Half of my family would be eligible for deportation under the executive order, because they got a false social security card, they got a false identification, they got a false driver’s license prior to us passing AB 60, they got a false green card, and anyone who has family members who are undocumented knows that almost entirely everybody has secured some sort of false identification.”
“That’s what you need to survive, to work,” he added. “They are eligible for massive deportation.”
So do a lot of Americans. However, they don’t commit crimes to do so. The senator’s admission has not inspired the kind of sympathy from the nation’s law-abiding taxpayers he may have been expecting.
Some commenters note there is a bit of hypocrisy in targeting legal guns by giving law-breakers a pass:
— foxfiregirl50 (@Foxfiregirl50) February 11, 2017
New Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly toured the San Diego area San Ysidro Port of Entry last week just prior to the crackdown and as part of a tour of the international border in the American Southwest. The visit inspired this comment:
Kevin de León says half his family is illegal and he sees no problem. Hint-General Kelly, this would make a neat package to deport. A twofer
— Hap Arnold (@Rodentking) February 11, 2017
And some comments are wondering how many of De Leon’s family members are “undocumented voters”.
@EllenLWeintraub Calif. Sen. Kevin de Leon family members voted fraudulently- this IS verifiable to anyone serious about the truth.
— time to bounce (@time_to_bounce) February 11, 2017
It is being reported that cities across the nation are abandoning sanctuary city pledges. Given the response to the Senator’s admission, his “Sanctuary State” may soon be transformed into the “State of Denial.”

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That state senator is a real traitor…
The constitution says otherwise.
which makes him a felon for aiding and abetting the harboring of illegal aliens.
arrest that smug jerk!
Isn’t it a conflict of interest for a politician to make laws that benefit his family?
It’s got wrong written all over it.
But he is a Democrat and so immune from criticism.
No, it isn’t, and you would never even suggest such a thing in any other case. Is it a conflict of interest for a politician with a disabled relative (or who is herself disabled) to vote for legislation to help the disabled? Is it wrong for a veteran, or someone with veterans in her family, to promote legislation to help veterans? Or for a politician with female relatives (i.e. every politician who has ever lived) to promote legislation to help women? If that were the case women would still have no rights at all!
Your analogy breaks down on the legality of the activities you mention. Being disabled, or a veteran, or female, isn’t illegal. Being an illegal immigrant, is illegal. Using others Social Security numbers, or forged Green Cards, is illegal. While sometimes conflicts of interest occur, and aren’t necessarily bad things, sometimes conflicts of interests are bad things.
Let me help.
Is it a conflict of interest for a politician with a record for embezzlement to vote for legislation to help other felons with embezzlement? Is it wrong for an arsonists, or someone with arsonists in her family, to promote legislation to help arsonists? Or for a politician with extortionist relatives (i.e. every politician who has ever lived) to promote legislation to help extortionists? If that were the case extortionists would still have no rights at all!
Now those would also be conflicts of interest, but also would be a bad ideas.
Where the heck does this clown get the right to think that he can violate federal law to accommodate the law breakers in his family? Where does he get off thinking that there should be accommodations for foreign nationals to stay here just because? Send them all packing!
“Where the heck does this clown get the right to think that he can violate federal law to accommodate the law breakers in his family?”
There’s gotta be a Clinton joke in there somewhere.
All together now—
And I fully expect the post-electoral season to keep getting better.
Hugely, Bigly!
160 down, 11 million+ to go.
BTW–wouldn’t it be a real hoot if some investigative reporter found out that this doofus were also an illegal alien with forged papers?
“investigative reporter”…
what’s that?
Illegal immigration is a political conflict with President Trump holding all the high ground – the Executive power, Congress, the Law & popular support. Continued bad behavior by Democrats sets up the ’18 elections for a filibuster proof Senate.
Ask not about the country people flee to, but ask about the country they flee from.
Perhaps in combination with emigration reform. It is also imperative to address conflicts of interest including the abortion industry, welfare industry, Democratic leverage (e.g. [class] diversity, demographic redistricting), and labor arbitrage.
Again with emigration reform. What’s your obsession with emigration? What’s wrong with it, and why would you want to reform it? What business is it of yours, or anyone’s, who leaves the country?
de Leon is also the main driver of gun control (ban/confiscation) in el Norte (Alta California). Making California ..Mexico..again. Viva Reconquesta Dos!!!! /sarc.
Wow so not only are half his family illegal which is already breaking the law, but felons because they have fake green cards, social security numbers, and drivers licenses. Should be easy to track down his family and deport all of them.
So we’ll call him Lonely Leon.
How about Gone Leon.
So nice to see those criminal and illegal beaners feeling the heat and being scared $h!+less. Cuz ya can’t spell “Hispanic” without “panic.”
Will the real Kevin de León come on down!
@EllenLWeintraub Calif. Sen. Kevin de Leon family members voted fraudulently- this IS verifiable to anyone serious about the truth.
If true, this would be an absolutely great fun prosecution to see. Show California legislators that no one is above the law. And because he came right out and said family members were here illegally, he’s just about begging for it to happen. Probably thinks he’d gain sympathy from the majority of the American people if it happened. He won’t.
If true. @time_to_bounce offered no foundation at all for his/her claim, so it should not be given any consideration.
When the people elected to write, vote on and pass laws no longer wish to uphold them, we no longer have a civil society.
De Lion should be De Ported.
Seems like a no brainer to me
Nah, the Senator’s family didn’t break the law to get drivers licenses they weren’t legally entitled to, or engage in identity theft to be able to work in this country, or falsify their voter registrations and vote illegally. Really
Do I understand that de Leon is suggesting that the half of his family that are here illegally should be afforded constitutional rights? (yeah–I know that’s what the 9th Circuit suggested, but as far as I know, they are not entitled to constitutional rights because they are not citizens)