Young Boy Brags of Setting Anti-Trump Fire: ‘Screw Our President’

It was a remarkable live-TV moment. During Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show, reporter Griff Jenkins was at the scene of an anti-Trump demonstration in DC where a fire had been set in the street. Suddenly, a young boy [maybe 10-11] stepped up to say that he “kind of started the fire.”

When Jenkins asked why he started the fire, the boy, who identified himself as “Carter,” said “because I felt like it and I’m just sort of saying, screw the president.”

A bit later, Charles Krauthammer said there’s a “whiff of ISIS” to the way parents are exploiting their children in this say. Said Tucker: “The idea that you would implicate your children in your political activism, you’d be out on the street at 9:30 at night. It’s demented.”

FOX NEWS REPORTER GRIFF JENKINS: We’re outside the National Press Club. You can see the police presence. There are signs thanking President Obama. Obviously, tt’s mostly peaceful now. A fire broke out just behind us. There is a fire over here. We’ll show you where that was. The ashes now just sort of starting to simmer right in the middle of this. Excuse me one second. This fire was started. In fact, this young man, you are participating in the fire. What’s your name?BOY: My name’s Carter and I actually kind of started this fire.JENKINS: So why did you start that fire, Carter?BOY: Uh, it’s Carter.JENKINS: Sorry. Why did you start that fire?BOY: Because I felt like it and because I’m just saying, screw our president.. . .CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Incidentally, can I say a word about that kid who was setting the fire?TUCKER CARLSON: That was bizarre.CHARLES: Yeah, but wouldn’t you love to be that kid? Parents who take you out on a winter night and they encourage you to set fires? I’m sure it would have appealed to the anarchist in you. But it tells you how completely weird the parents and the other people out there are. They are the same people who show up at the IMF meetings, at World Bank, the Occupy Wall Street.You ask them why are you out there, they are completely incoherent. What did that woman say? There are Nazis upstairs at the National Press Club. I mean, these people ought to be medicated.TUCKER: I think some of them are. But the idea that you would implicate your children in your political activism, you’d be out on the street at 9:30 at night letting your eight-year-old set fires is demented. It says a lot.CHARLES: It’s got a whiff of ISIS to it.

Tags: Anti-Trump Protests, Charles Krauthammer, Fox News, Tucker Carlson