The Best Planned Parenthood Ad Ever?

The Best Planned Parenthood Ad Ever pro-life adeline grateful mom

This is the best ad Planned Parenthood, the country’s premier abortion purveyor, has ever made.

“A Grateful Mom” released a few days ago tells the story of Adeline, a woman who went to Planned Parenthood for an abortion. When she arrived to have the baby removed from her womb, she was so distraught, the abortion doctor told her to go home, think about it, and reschedule. But she never rescheduled. Instead, she became a mother and is thankful she chose life.

And yes, this is a Planned Parenthood ad.

The text:

I found out I was pregnant and it was not planned. The most pragmatic option was to get an abortion. I honestly was very conflicted. When I went in to see the actual physician I was a wreck. She took a look at me and said “something tells me that today is not the day. Sleep on it and then reschedule.” I wish I knew her name so that I could thank her for the role that she played in making me a mother.

Planned Parenthood should keep making ads about women who are proud of choosing life and highlight the stories of those grateful for motherhood. It’s probably bad for their business, but it’s a win for the sanctity of life.

Adeline chose life over “pragmatism” and that’s always a story worth telling. Even if it’s a frantic response to President Trump’s latest pro-life initiative halting federal funding of international abortion organizations.

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: Planned Parenthood