UN Security Council Passes Anti-Israel Resolution, U.S. Abstains

The UN Security Council has voted to pass the anti-Israel resolution. The U.S. went ahead and abstained to vote, not standing up for her only ally in the Middle East. This is the first time in 36 years the UN condemned settlements.

As Professor Jacobson described:

The Resolution in question is pernicious. It declares any Israeli presence beyond the 1949 armistice line (the so-called pre-1967 line) illegal. That means Israeli control of the Jewish Quarter of the Old City would be illegal, as would the presence of Jews in the Jewish Quarter, which Jordan had ethnically cleansed of Jews and ransacked. It also would mean Israeli control of the Western Wall would be illegal.If Obama abstains, he will have allowed the UN to strip Jews of their history.

Trump promised change:

U.S. Ambassador Samantha power has attempted to justify why America chose not to stand next to Israel:

Here is the text of the resolution:

The U.S. has veto power on the council, which it has generally used to shelter “Israel from condemnatory resolutions.”

Jewish leaders express regret over the U.S. choice to abstain from the vote:

Tags: Israel, United Nations