It’s that time of year again! The time when I get to sift through a year’s worth of blog posts and decide which ones I like best.
Looking back through my posts from 2016, my favorite posts are (predominately) more personal in nature. As regular readers know — I gained a whole family this year — a husband, step-daughter, and a daughter.
Which explains why this is my most favorite post of the year:
Appropriate, seeing as Klara is three months old today.
Tiny Love has grown a ton in three short months. She holds her head up, will chat with you, loves when you sing, and seems to think night time is the best time to socialize:
I can’t take credit for this post alone, as it includes the thoughts of all LI authors — which is precisely why I love it. Each response was thoughtful but different. I enjoy the wide variety of opinions and perspectives our authors bring to their posts and how respectful each is in sharing their ideas with our readers.
1,000 blog posts is a lot of blog posts. Currently sitting at 1,290. 2,000 will be here before we know it. And that’s pretty awesome.
Neo-feminism is a scourge on modernity and I hate it. Neo-feminism is little more than a guise for crippling insecurity. And this is why we have therapists.
Good job, guys. Good job.
Thanks to each and every one of you for making 2016 one lovely year here at Legal Insurrection. I look forward to another new year with new perspectives. I’m proud to be part of the insurrection. As Professor Jacobson pointed out, we have more purpose now than ever.
Onward to 2017!
Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye