Gallup: Americans’ Support For Electoral College Rises Sharply

With Democrats screaming about their winning the popular vote, a vote located almost exclusively on the coasts and in the nation’s biggest cities, it’s heartening to learn that Americans’ support for the Electoral College has dramatically increased.

Gallup reports:

Americans’ support for keeping the Electoral College system for electing presidents has increased sharply. Weeks after the 2016 election, 47% of Americans say they want to keep the Electoral College, while 49% say they want to amend the Constitution to allow for a popular vote for president.In the past, a clear majority favored amending the U.S. Constitution to replace the Electoral College with a popular vote system.

Gallup continues, tossing in the tired popular vote line:

Donald Trump secured enough electors in the Electoral College to win the presidency, despite Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote. With Clinton’s popular lead total continuing to expand, now at more than 2.5 million votes, there have been persistent calls since Election Day to abolish the Electoral College. Such sentiment has clearly prevailed when Gallup asked this question twice in 2000 — after George W. Bush won the Electoral College while Al Gore won the popular vote — in 2004 and in 2011. In each instance, support for a constitutional amendment hovered around 60%.

When broken down by party, Democrats, unsurprisingly, are more likely to support amending the Constitution to eliminate the EC.

. . . . This year, for the first time in the 49 years Gallup has asked about it, less than half of Americans want to replace the Electoral College with a popular vote system.

Tags: Constitution, Culture, Gallup Poll