The Bataclan reopens one year after Paris Terror Attacks

It was one year ago, November 13, 2015, that Islamic terrorists attacked the Bataclan theater in Paris.

Our then-live post chronicled the events, LIVE VIDEO AND UPDATES: Paris Terror Attacks Leave 100+ Dead, Borders Closed and City Under Curfew.

There were multiple attacks around the city, including at the Stade de France:

As frequently happens in such events, it took a day for the extent of what happened to become clear, PARIS TERROR – What We Know (Live Video and Updates); Update: American Student Killed in Paris Attacks.

And what became clear was that the Bataclan Theater was the main target and killing field.  Of all the attacks in Paris, the attack on the Bataclan Theater was the most devastating.

French authorities said more than 80 people died in the club where California-based band Eagles of Death Metal had been playing for about an hour. When the shooting started after four gunmen entered the front of the 1,500-seat theater, dozens struggled to flee out the back alleyway as shots were being fired.Gunmen who had entered, dressed all in black and armed with AK-47 rifles, calmly opened fire randomly at patrons who dived for cover on the floor, according to radio reporter Julien Pearce, who was near the stage when the shooting started. “The terrorists were very calm, very determined, and they reloaded three or four times,” Pearce said. “I saw 20 to 25 bodies lying on the floor.”

That theater may have been picked because it was owned by Jews (though it may have been sold just a couple of weeks befor the attack), and was a BDS and terrorist target for years.

Long after the attack on the Bataclan, gruesome details were revealed, though some of the details still are disputed:

An American student was among those killed by the ISIS terrorists in Paris, as NBC reported at the time:

A college student from California is the first American fatality identified in the Paris terror attacks.Nohemi Gonzalez, 23, a junior design major at California State University-Long Beach spending a semester studying at Strate College of Design, was killed at one of the restaurants struck by terrorists Friday night.

ISIS later released a video of the seven terrorists training in Syria.

In September 2016, Eagles of Death Metal rock Tel Aviv, curse out BDS:

“I love this country,” said front man Jesse Hughes. “I love everything about it. I believe in you and I am proud to be in this f**king country.”“I wanna tell ya’ll something because I think it’s important. I feel really happy. I feel really safe. I feel like I’m home and I want you to know how much we appreciate that.” He became almost inaudible over the roar of the crowd at this, each member of the Israeli audience galvanized by the support. Israeli fans are frequently over-looked by international musical acts due to the aggressive pressure on them by the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS).“This has been a weird f**king year, ya’ll. We needed you tonight and ya’ll did not let us down.”

The Bataclan Theater reopened today, with Sting as the lead performer:

The Bataclan, the music venue where 90 concertgoers were killed in last year’s Paris terror attacks, reopened Saturday with a performance from Sting.Following a minute of silence, Sting told the audience in French: “We shall not forget them,” about the victims.His performance came a day before the first anniversary of the Paris terror attacks, which left 130 people dead.