Not My Fault! Hillary Blames FBI Director Comey for Her Loss

It is never ever a Clinton’s fault when they fail. Never. Of course Hillary has pointed the finger at FBI Director James Comey while others blame outside forces. The only person who has actually pointed the finger at the Democrats and Hillary? President Barack Obama.

Hillary told major donors that Comey’s letter to Congress a week before the election cost her the presidency:

“There are lots of reasons why an election like this is not successful,” Mrs. Clinton said, according to a donor who relayed the remarks. But, she added, “our analysis is that Comey’s letter raising doubts that were groundless, baseless, proven to be, stopped our momentum.”

The FBI concluded its investigation into Hillary’s private email server ended in July, with Comey listing all the damning actions by her and her staff, but did not recommend any charges.

Yet, the FBI came across emails on devices used by top Hillary aide Huma Abedin and her estranged husband Anthony Weiner during its investigation into him sexting an underage girl in North Carolina:

In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear pertinent to the investigation,” Comey wrote the chairmen. “I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.

Two days before the election, Comey sent another letter to Congress saying he did not change his mind about prosecuting Hillary. But she thinks that letter made things worse:

Mrs. Clinton said a second letter from Mr. Comey, clearing her once again, which came two days before Election Day, had been even more damaging. In that letter, Mr. Comey said an examination of a new trove of emails, which had been found on the computer of Anthony D. Weiner, the estranged husband of one of her top aides, had not caused him to change his earlier conclusion that Mrs. Clinton should face no charges over her handling of classified information.

Her campaign said they had proof since polling data “said that ‘there is no question that a week from Election Day, Secretary Clinton was poised for a historic win,’ but that, in the end, ‘late-breaking developments in the race proved one hurdle too many for us to overcome.'”

Except they missed ONE thing…those silent Trump supporters. Due to people on both sides destroying Trump supporters, there were many who did not say out loud they planned to vote for Trump. Joe Scarborough and Chris Cillizza of The Washington Post discussed this on Morning Joe in October:

JOE: I know that in Mika and my experiences over the past year, nobody admits it publicly and then whispers as you leave the room, that yes, in fact they’re voting for Trump, and it’s still happening. Do you think there is, possibly, a one or two point hidden vote for Donald Trump out there, for people that are embarrassed to tell pollsters that the guy who’s been on TV for the past week sexually harassing women or insulting them is the guy they’re going to be voting for?CHRIS CILLIZZA: Yes. And I find it strange even that I’m saying it, because typically and Joe you know this from having run for office, typically the “we’ve got a secret 5% vote,” never works. That’s what you say when you lose.

Obama held a news conference today where he took a few swipes at Hillary and the Democrats for losing this election, particularly for not trying hard enough in alleged hard to win places:

“I believe that we have better ideas. But I also believe that good ideas don’t matter if people don’t hear them,” Obama said, reflecting on Hillary Clinton’s shocking Election Day loss.

In 2008, no one thought Obama would win Iowa. He took that doubt, put it to work, and won. He said he won “in Iowa mostly white state, ‘not because of the demographics’, but because he spent 87 days going to ‘every small town’, fair, fish fry and VFW.”

Obama also said he probably saved a few votes because he took that extra effort to visit the voters:

‘And the challenge for a national party is how do you dig in there and create those kinds of structures,’ he said.

He praised Trump’s ability “in tapping into the enthusiasm of his voters,” which led to victories in Florida, Wisconsin, Ohio, Iowa, and North Carolina:

‘I think that to the extent that there were a lot of folks who missed the Trump phenomenon, I think that connection that he was able to make with his supporters,’ Obama said, ‘that was impervious to events that might have sunk another candidate, that’s powerful stuff.’

Others have blamed sexism on the loss, especially against us females who had the audacity to think the economy is more important than electing the first female president.

Some have said third party candidates Gary Johnson and Jill Stein stole the election from Hillary, but The Wall Street Journal pointed out that Hillary needed a large chunk of their voters PLUS quite a bit of Trump voters.

Maybe…just maybe…for the hundredth time…it’s because Hillary is an awful candidate and we saw through her.

Tags: 2016 Election, FBI, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Email Scandal, James Comey