Mika Shockingly Scorches Elizabeth Warren: ‘Tired of this Act,’ ‘Shrill, Almost Unhinged’

Early in this presidential election cycle, Mika Brzezinski was a big Elizabeth Warren booster, repeatedly urging the Massachusetts senator to throw her hat into the ring. So it was nothing short of stunning to see Brzezinski go on a blistering attack against Warren on today’s Morning Joe.

The segment began with a clip of Warren in essence declaring war on Republicans, claiming Dems had won more presidential and senatorial votes, and declaring that they didn’t intend to “whimper, whine or grovel.” Wondered Mika: “do you lead with anger? . . I am getting tired of this act.” “There’s an anger there that was shrill . . . unmeasured and almost unhinged. It’s not going to work.”

Mika went back on the attack a bit later, accusing Warren of the same kind of obstructionism for which Dems condemned Republicans during the Obama years. “This reminds me of eight years ago except now it’s the Democrats doing.”

To understand the depth of Mika’s despair, catch her prolonged sigh and head bow just after the Warren clip concludes.

ELIZABETH WARREN: Republicans are taking over Congress, they are taking over the White House, but Republicans do not have majority support in this country. The majority of voters supported Democratic Senate candidates over Republican ones, and the majority supported a Democratic presidential candidate over a Republican one. The American people didn’t give Democrats majority support so we can come back to Washington and play dead. They didn’t send us here to whimper, whine, or grovel.MIKA BRZEZINSKI: [deep sigh] Yeah-h-h.. . .JOE SCARBOROUGH: And you have Elizabeth Warren stepping out and basically looking like she’s going to be the de facto head of the Democratic party nationally.MIKA: Do you lead on anger, though? Because that doesn’t seem very constructive to me. I gotta tell you. I love her; I’m getting tired of this act.WILLIE GEIST: She’s definitely giving voice to the people in the party and IN the country who think Donald Trump is a disaster. She’s going to be out every day going after them.MIKA: Yeah, well, you know what? There’s a huge part of the country that doesn’t think so and she might want to be a little inclusive because she is sounding like the people she is accusing of as being exclusive. I mean she’s just got to stop. I’m sorry. It’s getting exhausting. And this did not help during the campaign. It wasn’t. There’s an anger there that was shrill and a step above what it needed to be, unmeasured, and almost unhinged! It’s not going to work. At some point we have to look at what happened and look at the people we lost along the way.. . .MIKA: And why I’m so critical of that sound bite, and every other rant I’ve heard, is it’s not showing listening, it’s not showing learning, that there was something to be learned, and by the way, the beginning of a new presidency, isn’t the first thing, isn’t the first thing that should happen out of the box is: we look forward to working with Republicans, we support the new President-elect, and we hope to move forward together and find things we can agree on.Isn’t that the example that Democrats have accused Republicans of not holding up to, for eight years of being vitriolic against Republicans for being so difficult, for trying to bring Obama down from day one. Boy! This reminds me of eight years ago except now it’s Democrats doing it, in a very heated, unmeasured way.

Tags: Elizabeth Warren, Mika Brzezinski, Morning Joe, MSNBC