DOJ Official Sent Podesta a ‘Heads Up’ On Hillary Emails

Not only does the media collude with Hillary Clinton, but a Department of Justice official leaked information to the campaign about the investigation.

Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik, who is also involved with the probe into emails found on Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner’s devices, warned John Podesta, Hillary’s campaign chair, when the State would release the emails and on hearings:

Podesta responded:

I wrote about Kadzik yesterday when outlets reported he is involved with the new probe and promised Congress the DOJ will provide “quick work” on the new investigation.

Now, the DOJ said Kadzik “is not directly overseeing the investigation and his job is to respond to inquiries from Congress.” But Kadzik does “have the power to deny a request for a special prosecutor.” He did just that last November when GOP lawmakers asked “to appoint a special counsel to lead the investigation.”

Plus, as the email shows, he has channels through the DOJ, which allows him to acquire information and pass it to Hillary’s campaign. Kadzik works in the legislative affairs department.

In one Wikileaks release, Podesta sent an email to President Barack Obama aide Cassandra Butts in 2008 about Kadzik, saying the lawyer “kept me out of jail” and the campaign should bring him on to help. Podesta did not specify which incident Kadzik kept him out of jail, but he represented Podesta during the Monica Lewinsky investigation after he “had made false statements to a grand jury impaneled by independent counsel Kenneth Starr.”

Kadzik also represented Marc Rich, who the IRS wanted for evading a $48 million tax bill and the government also believed he was involved “in illegal trading activity with nations that sponsored terrorism.” He “lobbied Podesta heavily,” who was President Bill Clinton’s chief of staff. An Oversight Committee report in 2002 concluded that Rich recruited Kadzik because of his connections to Podesta.

Clinton eventually pardoned Rich on his last day in office.

Weirdly enough, late yesterday, the FBI posted documents associated with the Rich case. The FBI heavily redacted many of the 129 pages, but as The New York Post points out, the agents left just enough information “to demonstrate that the FBI had taken a sweeping investigation into charges that the pardon was a payoff.”

Rich’s ex-wife Denise donated a lot of money to the Democrats and the Clinton Foundation. A memo said the details show “that required pardon standards and procedures were not followed.”

One more thing. The only person at the DOJ to receive notification of the pardon? Then-Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder. Yes, THAT Eric Holder.

Tags: DOJ, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Email Scandal