CBS News reporter: “Journalists love mocking Trump supporters”

Disgust at the open bias, collusion and smugness of the media — from the older line major networks to the 20/30-something former SJWs with keyboards — was part of the background for the backlash leading to the Trump victory.

As that same media rolls effortlessly into attacking President-Elect Trump’s transition and appointments, consider this analysis by Will Rahn of CBS News. It’s possibly the best I’ve seen.

Here’s and excerpt and video, but please read the whole thing.

Commentary: The unbearable smugness of the press:

The mood in the Washington press corps is bleak, and deservedly so.It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that, with a few exceptions, we were all tacitly or explicitly #WithHer, which has led to a certain anguish in the face of Donald Trump’s victory. More than that and more importantly, we also missed the story, after having spent months mocking the people who had a better sense of what was going on.This is all symptomatic of modern journalism’s great moral and intellectual failing: its unbearable smugness. Had Hillary Clinton won, there’d be a winking “we did it” feeling in the press, a sense that we were brave and called Trump a liar and saved the republic….Trump knew what he was doing when he invited his crowds to jeer and hiss the reporters covering him. They hate us, and have for some time.And can you blame them? Journalists love mocking Trump supporters. We insult their appearances. We dismiss them as racists and sexists. We emote on Twitter about how this or that comment or policy makes us feel one way or the other, and yet we reject their feelings as invalid….You’d think that Trump’s victory – the one we all discounted too far in advance – would lead to a certain newfound humility in the political press. But of course that’s not how it works….That’s the fantasy, the idea that if we mock them enough, call them racist enough, they’ll eventually shut up and get in line. It’s similar to how media Twitter works, a system where people who dissent from the proper framing of a story are attacked by mobs of smugly incredulous pundits….That the explainers and data journalists so frequently get things hilariously wrong never invites the soul-searching you’d think it would. Instead, it all just somehow leads us to more smugness, more meanness, more certainty from the reporters and pundits. Faced with defeat, we retreat further into our bubble, assumptions left unchecked. No, it’s the voters who are wrong….If you want a prime example of media smugness post-election, check out Aleister’s write of how Tucker Carlson ripped Jonathan Allen a new one over a snide hit piece on Jeff Sessions.

Tags: 2016 Election, Media Bias