Wikileaks: Team Hillary and DOJ source consulted over email lawsuit

Remember the Bill Clinton, Loretta Lynch “tarmac summit” and its gross appearance of impropriety?  That gross appearance of impropriety cloud hangs heavy over Hillary and her emails yet again.  WikiLeaks has released, among the Podesta emails, a tidbit showing Team Hillary coordinating with the DOJ regarding an ongoing open records lawsuit regarding Hillary’s email scandal.

The Hill reports:

An official within Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign appeared to have discussions with sources inside the Department of Justice (DOJ) about ongoing open records lawsuits regarding the former secretary of State’s emails, according to an email released on Tuesday.The information about an upcoming court event would have been public knowledge and open for all to attend. And it’s unclear whether the people Fallon spoke to at the Justice Department were officials who regularly communicate with the public.However, the fact that Fallon — a former spokesman with the Justice Department — remained in contact with anyone from the department is likely to renew allegations that the Obama administration maintained an especially cozy relationship with Clinton’s presidential campaign.

It’s hard to understand why Hillary’s campaign manager would be in direct contact with DOJ — that’s what Hillary had lawyers for. So something smells rotten.

Fox News reports:

Republicans accused the Hillary Clinton campaign and Obama Justice Department of “collusion” on Tuesday after an email surfaced from the latest WikiLeaks document dump indicating the Clinton camp got a heads-up from the DOJ about one of the former secretary of state’s court cases.The May 2015 email from Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon said, “DOJ folks inform me there is a status hearing in this case this morning, so we could have a window into the judge’s thinking about this proposed production schedule as quickly as today.”The Fallon email apparently pertained to one of the lawsuits seeking the production of Clinton’s emails while at the State Department.Information about a status hearing likely would have been public anyway – and it’s unclear whether there was any further contact between the DOJ and Clinton campaign.But the email stoked GOP complaints that they had improper discussions about the former secretary of state’s emails, which the department investigated for months. Fallon happens to be a former spokesman with the Justice Department.“Today’s report that Clinton’s campaign was in communication with the Obama Department of Justice on the email investigation shows a level of collusion which calls into question the entire investigation into her private server,” Donald Trump campaign spokesman Jason Miller said in a statement.

Reince Priebus also noted the impropriety suggested by the Fallon email.

Fox News continues:

The Republican National Committee also invoked the controversial tarmac meeting Attorney General Loretta Lynch had with Bill Clinton, before the FBI and Justice Department ultimately decided not to pursue any charges over Hillary Clinton’s personal email use.“Emails showing the Department of Justice was giving Hillary Clinton’s campaign inside information about an ongoing investigation into her email server is deeply disturbing and raises even more questions about Bill Clinton’s tarmac meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch,” RNC Chairman Reince Priebus said in a statement.

There may be more revelations regarding the cozy relationship Team Hillary had with the Justice Department regarding the investigation, so stay tuned.

Tags: DOJ, Hillary Email Scandal, Wikileaks