VIDEO Released of female Chicago cop beaten – didn’t use gun for fear of public backlash
She’s lucky she wasn’t killed, but her injuries were substantial.
Earlier this month we reported on a beating of a female Chicago police officer by a suspect, and how the officer didn’t use her service weapon because of fear of how the public would react to a shooting of a black man, Chicago’s Top Cop: Police are ‘Second-Guessing Themselves’:
Chicago Superintendent Eddie Johnson said one of his officers didn’t defend herself against the man who beat her unconscious because of the backlash she and the department might receive:
“As I was at the hospital last night, visiting with her, she looked at me and said she thought she was gonna die, and she knew that she should shoot this guy, but she chose not to because she didn’t want her family or the department to go through the scrutiny the next day on national news,” Johnson said while attending a public ceremony honoring heroic officers and firefighters.
“This officer could (have) lost her life last night,” the superintendent said. “She’s hospitalized right now, but she still has the spirit and the bravery that these officers and firefighters display every day — every day. We have to change the narrative of the law enforcement across this country.”
The police have now released the video. WGN-TV reports:
Chicago police have released video in the arrest of a man who was charged in the severe beating of a female officer.
28-year-old Maywood man Parta Huff crashed his car into a Austin liquor store at the corner of Roosevelt Rd and Cicero Ave on the morning of October 5.
Bystanders flagged down police. Witness told WGN News he appeared to be “out of it.”
When the officers arrived they initially went to see if Huff needed help.
Huff was combative and started to struggle with the officers.
The video show the female officer grabbing one part of her handcuffs and placing the other on Huff’s wrists.
The video shows Huff slam the officer onto the street.
Authorities say the officer suffered a concussion, bone chips to her shoulder, a wrist and a neck injury and had to have bits of concrete pulled from her face.
The incident drew wide attention when police Superintendent Eddie Johnson noted that the officer didn’t shoot huff because she was afraid of the potential scrutiny.
Here is a more complete video of the fight:
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Incidentally, having one cuff on a suspect is perhaps the most dangerous part of the arrest. If the suspect breaks from control, that second loose cuff becomes an extra dangerous “hook” weapon.
–Andrew, @LawSelfDefense
Can this incident be used in the defense of the officer in the Crutcher case in Tulsa? She suspected drug use and took action. The Chicago officer did not take action because of the potential backlash.
Shooting mere “suspects” to death is generally frowned-upon in America.
I’d like to see it stay that way.
The more the merrier.
Stopping–with lethal force if necessary-repeatedly non-compliant as they perform acts with a potential lethal outcome, otoh, is a step this officer probably wished she had taken.
Well, until “resisting arrest” is no longer a crime, non-compliant isn’t “suspect”, it’s a felony, and felons can be met with deadly force.
“Charges are pending against the man accused of attacking the officers, police said Thursday afternoon. He has three prior firearms arrests and one conviction, as well as four arrests, following which he was charged with either resisting police, fleeing and eluding police or both, according to police.”
“The man who’s accused of severely beating two Chicago police officers Wednesday had appeared in court earlier that same day on strikingly similar charges involving an attack on a suburban cop earlier this year, the Tribune has learned.”
At some point one has to start wondering why so many vicious thugs are on the streets.
I’m weary of the burden on our society of mollycoddling these recidivist jerks. Our virtue signaling and moral preening are substantial contributors to America’s destruction.
But he looked like a nice young man /sarc
Because membership in an Official Victim Group automatically moves you from thug to choir boy.
It seems like the use of nightsticks would have been appropriate here, but I’m sure the cops were thinking about the (heavily edited) Rodney King video.
I’ll say it again…
Any good commander will assure that officer is assigned duties that are LEAST likely to require the use of deadly force.
It isn’t because of what happened to her. It’s because of what she admitted to afterwards. I very much doubt that can be “trained” away. She’s a risk to herself and her fellow officers.
It makes me think of the incessant prog push for women to have active combat roles in the US Military. It’s almost like the WANT to set the cops/military up to fail.
What do you mean, almost? This is on purpose, dude. The libs are killing two birds with one stone. By putting women in combat arms they simultaneously maintain the fiction that women can do anything a man can do while rendering the military incapable of performing its mission. Which as any good lib can tell you is colonising the lands of non-whites on behalf of corporate America. So, screw the military. But on the other hand women like Hillary Clinton aspire to be commander in chief, so women have to be Pararescue or SEALs. Again, screw the military.
I don’t mean any of this as an insult to women. If I’m the standard you’re measuring by, you’re setting a pretty low bar. Just because I’m better at hauling pumps and generators up and down ladders in a ship in extremis doesn’t make me the better person. I’m not going to beat myself up over all the things I did in ports from Norfolk to San Diego or Mombasa or Poehang or Colon or points in between that I’m glad didn’t make it into the news so my grandmother would learn about it. One thing remained true, as I hauled my worthless @$$ out of bed as the boat was leaving port, Pattaya, so I could get to the Sunday service and have the chaplain laugh at me and the rest of the sinners.
I’m better at lifting and carrying things then the girls.
this was….odd
first, no use of nightsticks (whatever type carried) if carried, uniformed people (officers ??) watching on sidelines for a bit before meandering on over to look like they were helping, etc.
I can see why no taze done, would have shocked the initial officers but…the whole damned thing is just odd.
Fewer and fewer officers carry nightsticks anymore.
been trying to find out if this city uses them but not had time to dig into it yet so no real answers.
still, looks like were a few uniformed people hesitant to help out which is the really odd part.
was distracted while watching so my thoughts may be skewed.
Not really; they have families they don’t want attacked either.
I’m not a cop, but I couldn’t figure out the plan, if any, that those two officers were using to control the confrontation. Both put themselves in danger simultaneously and both lost the ability to use lethal force without risking the other.
A good example of why women should not be in these positions. Men are stronger, period, end of story. It should start out as fair a fight as possible. To put women in the position of risking themselves from the very start is unjustifiable.
Well, you get the Patriarchy Defender Award for today. 😉
I have to ask, tho, what if the woman wanted to be there? Would you go full male chauvinist, and deny her wishes?
Because physical size and strength is a social construct, right?
That’ why we should have more female cops; they’re more likely to need to shoot, and that means fewer thugs alive and on the loose.
heh heh 🙂
toss in a pms joke and we got ourselves a chicken dinner winner 🙂
Good cop/PMS cop
Plus we can pay them seventy cents as opposed to the dollar we have to pay a male cop, because according to the libs the Equal Pay Act hasn’t been the law of the land since 1963.
(Looking at the number of people involved in trying to restrain the suspect) Dude, that guy was bad news on two legs. Male or female, it was going to take a lot of officers to put him on the ground and into cuffs. I’m not even sure a few thousand volts would have slowed him down.
Removal of the nightstick as an uncooperative arestee ‘encourager’ has probably killed more resisting suspects than most other factors in arrests. In all odds, if Rodney King’s most famous arrest had occurred during a time when police were for all intents and purposes forbidden to use nightsticks, he most likely would have wound up dead as he shook off the taser and charged his first officer.
Can someone point out to me at what point in this confrontation, prior to dragging the female officer to the ground, that the suspect presented a reasonable threat of imminent death to either of the officers? Because it isn’t clear to me in the video.
Here’s a hint, dipstick: more people are killed with fists and feet than by rifles in this country every year. A non-compliant suspect is not an innocent. If you have a problem with why you were stopped, we have these things called courtrooms. Until then, don’t start none, won’t be none.
The standard isn’t just “imminent death.” The standard also includes the reasonable fear of great bodily harm. Please view the video with that in mind.
It seems to me there was a definite point in time when, after being surrounded by multiple LEO, a nighstick should have been applied liberally to the thugs skull. There was no doubt he lost, but he intended to do as much harm as possible.
Reading other’s comments, I learn less LEO carry nighsticks these days. When faced with such a daunting threat, lethal force to free the cop seems appropriate.
“Incidentally, having one cuff on a suspect is perhaps the most dangerous part of the arrest. If the suspect breaks from control, that second loose cuff becomes an extra dangerous “hook” weapon.”
In the Navy we were taught to shoot in that situation, as the individual now has a lethal flail.
Yeah, yeah, I know, what with the surrender of the riverine command boats to Iran and all the crying you’re all getting a good laugh. I belonged to a different Navy.
Thank you for your service!
Attention to citation:
“The President of the United States takes pride in presenting the
for service as set forth in the following
For heroism while serving at Naval Station Norfolk Security Detachment, Norfolk, Virginia on 24 March 2014. While performing his duties as Chief of the Guard, Petty Officer Mayo was alerted to a suspicious individual walking towards USS MAHAN (DDG 72) on Pier 1, Naval Station Norfolk. Petty Officer Mayo pursued the individual up the brow of the ship while both he and the Quarterdeck watch-standers directed the individual to stop and provide identification. Failing to comply, the individual approached the Quarterdeck, attacked and disarmed the Petty Officer of the Watch. After boarding the ship, Petty Officer Mayo realized that the Petty Officer of the Watch no longer had control of her weapon. With complete and total disregard for his own personal safety, Petty Officer Mayo immediately placed himself between the Petty Officer of the Watch and the assailant. While fearlessly engaging the assailant and shielding the Petty Officer of the Watch, Petty Officer Mayo was fatally wounded. His exceptionally brave actions saved the lives of four watch-standers and ensured the safety of the entire crew of USS MAHAN (DDG 72). By his courageous and prompt actions in the face of great personal risk, Petty Officer Mayo prevented the loss of lives, thereby reflecting great credit upon himself and upholding the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.
For the President,
Admiral, United States Navy”
Did MA2 Mayo have to die? Clearly that young lady, undoubtedly through no fault of her own, was not qualified to stand that watch. She obviously wasn’t trained, or else she would have shot that intruder before she was disarmed. But what amount of training would it have taken? And, can you really knock off work that needs to be done so as to allow women two hours of weight training per day so they can develop at best 60% of the upper body strength of men who weigh the same as them?
Gaius Marius, approximately 170B.C., did a great deal to professionalize the Roman Republican Army, which already was the dominant power on the Italian peninsula and in the Western Mediterranean. A good portion of the Marian reforms were to take much of the load of the weapons, materiel, and rations off the carts and pack animals of the baggage train and put them on the backs of the legionaries. So much so that the legionaries half-jokingly called themselves “Marius’ mules.”
Again, I don’t see how observing I’m a better draft animal makes me the better person.
Not “of” – ABOUT.
We have to change the narrative ABOUT law enforcement across this country.
The ONLY way to do that is to stop the MEDIA from their agitprop. And stop these colluding activists who are creating strife, dividing – and conquering.
It. Must. Stop. – But. How?!?!?!
This could’ve been Detective Joseph Walker. Thankfully Detective Joseph Walker pulled out his gun and rightfully made Harvey a bullet sponge. Otherwise Joseph Harvey and Adam Pidel would’ve beaten Walker. As they wanted to when they jumped out the van pounding their fists.