Obama Legacy Unfolds: Taliban Enter Major Afghan City

Before the Obamas could even move out of the White House at the end of the term, the president’s legacy is unveiling itself across the Muslim World. From Mediterranean Sea to Persian Gulf, the forces of Radical Islam continue to score one triumph after another. Once reduced to hunted fugitives by President George W. Bush’s military campaign of 2001, the emboldened Taliban fighters have once again raised the Islamist battle cry of ‘Allahu Akbar’ as they embark on a nationwide offensive to wrestle back control of Afghanistan. Taliban fighters have captured most of central Kunduz city, a strategically important city some 200 miles north-west of Afghan capital of Kabul, claims French news agency AFP.

French television channel France24 showed footage of Taliban fighters in the centre of the city after having run over the city’s defences — before one could say Afghan National Army. Government forces still control the city’s airport and started preparations to repel the Taliban out of Kunduz, French report claims.

This week’s Taliban assault comes exactly one year after the terrorist group briefly captured the city of Kunduz, only to be driven out by a U.S.-led counter-offensive. The Taliban’s push is not limited to northern Afghanistan, as it has reportedly made gains in the southern province of Helmand as well. Since U.S. and NATO combat mission came to an end in 2014, Taliban continues to strengthen its hold over Afghan countryside. France24 reports:

The Taliban has taken over central Kunduz but government forces were still in control of the city’s airport, a spokesman for the group told FRANCE 24’s expert on jihadist movements, Wassim Nasr.Footage posted on social media showed Taliban fighters in the centre of the city. FRANCE 24 could not independently verify the authenticity of the footage.Sheer Ali Kamawal, commander of the 808 Tandar police zone in Kunduz, said the Taliban assault began at around midnight (1930 GMT Sunday) and fighting was going on in and around the city. Some Taliban fighters had entrenched themselves in homes.The fighters appeared to have slipped through a defensive security line set up around Kunduz, entering the city from four directions before clashes broke out, witnesses said.

U.S. Special Forces were on the ground in Kunduz fighting to push back Taliban, former CIA director and retired General David Petraeus told an event organised by D.C.-based Brookings Institution. “I have been assured by some individuals on the ground at quite a high-level that there are U.S. Special Forces with, supporting Afghan commandos and that they believe that they have that in control,” General Petraeus was quoted saying on Monday.

After nearly 8 years, President Obama’s foreign policy, executed by Foreign Secretaries Mr. Kerry and Mrs. Clinton, has alienated friends and emboldened enemies all across the world. Be it Israel, Iran, Egypt or Afghanistan, Obama Administration prefers Islamist and jihadist players over steadfast allies and liberal democracies.

If Taliban were to succeed in its designs of retaking Afghanistan, it would resume its declared goal of waging global jihad against the West, competing with its rival and the evil twin; Islamic State in Syria and Iran. With Europe unwilling to secure its borders, the West has become more vulnerable to Islamic terrorism than ever before.

VIDEO: Taliban claim they control Afghan city of Kunduz, reports France 24.

[Cover image courtesy France24, Youtube]

Tags: Afghanistan, Al Qaeda, Obama administration, Taliban, Terrorism