Nicolle Wallace: If Foreign Policy Ignorance an Asset, ‘Sarah Palin Would be Vice-President’

Still disloyal after all these years . . . Eight years after serving as a Sarah Palin aide, Nicolle Wallace can’t stop trashing the woman she was presumably paid to support.

On today’s Morning Joe, Wallace suggested that if ignorance of foreign policy were an asset, “Sarah Palin would be Vice-President of the United States.” Wallace’s unworthy remark came in the context of a discussion of Libertarian president candidate Gary Johnson’s claim that his own ignorance of foreign policy was an asset, since it makes him less likely to get the country involved in foreign wars.

The screencap shows Wallace being highly amused by her own poisonous attack on Palin. Very funny.

WILLIE GEIST: Gary Johnson is saying his approach–where he doesn’t know the names of leaders or where Aleppo is–is actually an asset.JOE SCARBOROUGH: Really?WILLIE: Yeah, watch.GARY JOHNSON: The fact that somebody can dot the Is or cross the Ts on a foreign leader or a geograhpic location then allows them to put our military in harm’s way. It’s because we elect people who can dot the Is and cross the Ts on these names and geographic locations as opposed to the underlying philosophy which is let’s stop getting involved in these regime changes.JOE: Are you kidding me? You don’t know where Canada is so that makes you a better leader?NICOLLE WALLACE: Sarah Palin would be the Vice-President of the United States by that standard.MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Wow.

Tags: Gary Johnson, Morning Joe, MSNBC, Sarah Palin