Dr. Ezekiel “Death Panel” Emanuel blames Republicans for problems With Obamacare


Obamacare has faced some new problems, including the rising cost of premiums and the shrinking pool of providers participating in the program. Additionally, not enough young healthy people have enrolled to offset the costs created by less healthy older people.

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, one of the chief architects of Obamacare and the center of controversy over the “death panel,” knows who’s to blame… Republicans. You know, the party the Democrats excluded from the law’s creation and had nothing to do with its passage.

He appeared on the Kelly File and made his case. Real Clear Politics reports:

Architect Of Obamacare Blames Republicans For Law’s ProblemsDr. Ezekiel Emanuel, one of the architects of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), joins Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly to discuss some of the problems with the law.“Your reporter did a very nice job of cherry-picking only the most extreme,” he said about the cost increases associated with Obamacare. “They don’t raise premiums across the board. Some have gone up higher than others, but… the premium hikes are because they came in, they did recalibrate the market. They were trying to get market share, and it is a correction. It is a problem that we do need to address. But it is not across the board. On average, we do not have higher than 15% increases in premiums. And it is going to be a one time increase.””Republicans bear some of the responsibility for this,” he said. “Remember: Marco Rubio eliminated some of the risk adjustment that actually buffered and helped the insurance companies in this situation. He took it out of the budget. And that is a serious problem… There is not plenty of blame [to go around], it is Republicans.”

Here’s the video:

Remember when they said you could keep your health plan and your doctor?

Remember when they said this would save families $2,500 per year?

That’s all ancient history now.

See our prior coverage of Dr. Death Panel here:

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Obamacare