gary johnson | aleppo | response | gaffe | syria
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Gary Johnson Owns His Aleppo Gaffe

Gary Johnson Owns His Aleppo Gaffe

“I’m going to make mistakes going forward… I would make mistakes as [POTUS] but I’d be transparent.”

Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson had a rough morning.

Joining MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Johnson was asked, “What would you do if you were elected about Aleppo?” to which Johnson replied, “What is Aleppo?”

It’s hard to watch, but here it is:

Aleppo of course is a central local in the Syrian conflict.

To his credit, Johnson owned the gaffe fully. Not that the ownership excuses ignorance, but it’s refreshing nonetheless.

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These “gotcha” questions just bore me.

Aleppo of course is a central local in the Syrian conflict.

That wouldn’t make it important to the Libertarian ethos. They’re not enthusiastic about either foreign quagmires or defense issues.

But the press does love to see a Presidential campaign as a horse race. Excepting the ones who see it as a game show.

“I’ll take foreign – – – – holes for $500, Alex …”

I, like 99% of Americans around here, never heard of “Aleppo” until this morning when it came across a talk radio broadcast.

Johnson has been pooping in his own hat since he started out.