Annoying Dem Meme ‘o the Day: Hillary & Obama As Defenders of ‘Our Values’

Legal Insurrection readers who are also Rush Limbaugh fans know that one of El Rushbo’s pet peeves is the way liberals have tried to co-opt the term “our values” into their political lexicon.

There was a perfect—if annoying—illustration of the phenomenon on today’s With All Due Respect. In clips of Hillary and President Obama, and during a live interview of Obama spokesman Josh Earnest, discussing the latest terrorist bombings in NYC and New Jersey, the v-word was bandied about no fewer than six times. View the video for the nails-on-blackboard montage!

What do LI readers think of this recurring attempt by liberals to seek to present themselves as the defenders of our American values?

HILLARY CLINTON: But we’re not going to go after an entire religion. We choose resolve, not fear. We will not turn on each other or undermine our values.. . .PRESIDENT OBAMA: They are trying to hurt innocent people, but they also want to inspire fear in all of us, and disrupt the way we live: to undermine our values.. . .JOSH EARNEST: There’s no denying that the rhetoric that we’ve heard from a lot of Republicans, including the nominee, is contrary to our values . . . We’re going to destroy this terrorist organization, but we also need to make sure that we are doing this consistent with our values . . . They are also our teachers, and lawyers, and doctors and nurses. These are people who are making an important contribution to our great country. And to deny that fact or to obscure that fact to win political points is shameless. It’s inconsistent with our values. . . The President is determined to make sure we don’t lose sight of that, not only because it’s an important part of our national security strategy, it’s also consistent with our values as Americans.

Tags: 2016 Election, Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, MSNBC