Hillary Snubs Police Union, Declines To Seek Endorsement

Hillary Clinton’s relationship with law enforcement, like her involvement with any issue, has evolved over time. Sometimes over night.

There are reports that Hillary, as First Lady, had little respect for—and was even verbally abusive toward—the Secret Service agents assigned to protect her . . . with their lives if necessary.  Apparently, she also gave these men the impression that her dislike extended beyond the Secret Service to “law enforcement and the military.”

After receiving harsh criticism from the left when she made the “mistake” of declaring that “all lives matter,”  Hillary started courting the Black Lives Matter movement, attempting to ingratiate herself and secure their support for her campaign.

Against this backdrop and when faced with the decision of whether or not to seek the endorsement of the National Fraternal Order of Police, she declined to submit to the process.  A move seen as a snub by the police union.

The Hill reports:

Top officials at the biggest police union in the country are upset with Hillary Clinton, saying she snubbed them.The leader of the National Fraternal Order of Police told The Hill that the Democrat sent a signal through her staff that she wouldn’t be seeking the union’s endorsement.”It sends a powerful message. To be honest with you, I was disappointed and shocked,” said Chuck Canterbury, the president of the National Fraternal Order of Police.”You would think with law enforcement issues so much in the news that even if she had disagreements with our positions, that she would’ve been willing to say that.”

Yes, you would think that someone running for the highest office in the land could bring herself to seek the support of a major police union, particularly in light of the far left and BLM backlash against police and the high number of police officers murdered this year alone.

You would think.  But you’d be wrong.

The Hill continues:

Asked about the decision not to seek the police union’s endorsement, Clinton spokesman Jesse Ferguson said, “Throughout her career, Hillary Clinton has been committed to our law enforcement officers.””As she said from the beginning of her campaign, across the country, police officers are out there every day inspiring trust and confidence, honorably doing their duty, putting themselves on the line to save lives.”She believes we must work together to build on what’s working and to build the bonds of trust between police and the communities they serve — because we are stronger together,” Ferguson added.”Hillary and her team have engaged law enforcement throughout the campaign to listen to ideas and solutions, and she will continue to do so as president.”

For his own part, Canterbury finds himself unable to answer whether or not Hillary respects police.

Asked whether he thought Clinton respected the police, Canterbury said, “Can’t answer that question. Don’t know.”Asked the same question, the police union’s national executive director, Jim Pasco, said, “I don’t know. She isn’t talking to us.””You can quote me on that,” he added.. . . .  “We are an organization that tries to be bipartisan and works with members of either party wherever we have common ground.””And the idea that a presidential candidate would not want to at least talk to an organization that represents almost half of the police officers in the United States and is a thought leader in the public sphere … is very disappointing.”

Watch the report:

It would seem that Rudy Giuliani may be on to something when he observes that the “Democratic Party has become an anti-law enforcement party.”

Tags: 2016 presidential election, Black Lives Matter, Culture, Hillary Clinton