CNN’s Carol Costello Chides Trump for Not ‘Reaching Out’ to Black Lives Matter

Tell us, Carol: the leaders of which Black Lives Matter chant would you suggest Donald Trump “reach out” to: “pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon,” or “what do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!”

On her CNN show this morning, Carol Costello suggested to Trump supporter Scottie Nell Hughes that Trump should be “reaching out” to Black Lives Matter. When Hughes replied that the Trump campaign has reached out to the black community, Costello interrupted incredulously “to Black Lives Matter?” Perhaps someone can do the research and find the last time Costello suggested to a Hillary supporter that Clinton should be “reaching out” to the KKK or Stormfront.

CAROL COSTELLO: So Scottie, on the subject of building bridges, Donald Trump gave his big law and order speech earlier this week, he spoke to a largely white crowd and talked of his support for police, but he has not sat down with members of the black community so far. Why not?SCOTTIE NELL HUGHES: Well, he has sat down. He actually has a very active urban coalition of black pastors, black leaders that are Republicans that he has met with several times, even from the very beginning, that was one of the first groups.COSTELLO: I’m talking about people from within these communities. And perhaps reaching out to Black Lives Matter.HUGHES: And I think the campaign has reached out to them. Just because they reach out doesn’t mean that they’re –COSTELLO: Really? To Black Lives Matter?HUGHES: Well I don’t know about Black Lives Matter. But he has reached out. He’s always had an open invitation to those within the black community to come into any of these meetings with the pastors.

Tags: Black Lives Matter, CNN, Donald Trump, Media Bias