The Importance of Elie Wiesel’s “Night”

In honor of the passing of Elie Wiesel, I’d like to share a personal story about how I was affected by his work.

In the early 1980’s I found myself at a new school in the eighth grade. My English teacher required my class to read Wiesel’s major work “Night” as an assignment.

Despite years of education, I didn’t know much about the Holocaust.

Wiesel’s book changed that. I remember reading it very quickly and being unable to put it down. The horrors he described his family going through in a concentration camp stunned me and have stayed with me for my entire life.

Here’s a 2013 clip of Wiesel on the Holocaust:

I hate to invoke stereotypes like “kids today,” but it doesn’t seem like most eighth graders are even being taught the truth about American history, let alone this subject.

I hope that my former school still considers “Night” required reading.

It’s a book no reader will ever forget.

Featured image is a screencap.

Tags: Culture, Education, History, Holocaust